Thursday, August 31, 2006
Posted by
10:40 AM
From the mall parking lot he jumped the iron guardrail and ran crashing through the heavy brush down the steep bank to the river's edge. The blue sphere followed him, casting the leaves, the crumbling earth, and finally the low dark water in its luminescent glow. A dark narrow shape like a curving blade swirled within center of the sphere, apparently controlling the vehicle's trajectory and momentum.
Posted by
9:46 AM
3 Bass Ales and 2 shots of Cuervo
rounded out his fee at the bar. The month
was November. It was Thursday night, after a bleak
day full of cold drizzle.
The shoe trade that day
was slow. Or maybe it had picked up. He didn't know
and didn't care. He left the bar only because it would be wrong
to become truly drunk at work. He stepped outside the mall entrance
and smoked a cigarette. It tasted terrible, wrong. Huffing dry and hot,
toxic lint.
On TVs everywhere all over the world that night,
the ultimate surreal impossibility of their arrival
had finally come true
and was being broadcast.
Just like in the movies. Yeh.
The aliens had arrived. Undeniably.
Posted by
7:39 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
he stands
feeling a sheet of invisible frost on his face
emanating from his eyes
I make a certain gesture of the hand
and the mall parking lot transforms into a moat
of wine
is what he said to her as they stood
smoking outside
she gave him a narrow look
(she worked in perfumes)
then he said,
few turn to a seller of shoes for answers
that's why he sits baked in the back
among the boxes and shelves
you don't have to try so hard to creep me out,
was her rejoinder
when it comes to you so naturally
he blurted
what time you get off you wanna get a drink after work?
she flicked her butt the white filter of which was plum with lipstick
away toward the curb
weird is what she then said and went back inside
he then flashed to a vision of him stalking
the shoe floor with a
Posted by
9:48 AM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
blank I drew upon rituals scorched of meaning
rare my methodologies and so backward
did I rule
I drew blanks upon scorched rituals, meanings
so rare and so backward that this methodology
became my rule
I got nowhere to go but here
I got nowhere
I got nowhere to go
Posted by
11:15 AM
Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
swirling white and grey in the sky
beaten white and grey of the road
the weariness of self
3 a.m. awake wondering why didn't I back then and if I had would it have and
would she have
cool late August morning
burned car on a flatbed trailer in the northbound lanes,
cops and fire engines strewn all along,
miles of traffic waiting behind
white lights in a drop ceiling
resisting emptiness of spirit
the problem is not one of no purpose
or no sense of urgency
the problem is one of discipline
and persistence
meta-cognition. fine
feels a lot better when it comes from the
Posted by
8:58 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
here's one key: when you finally get low enough and in the dark enough in the dark dark in the gloom in the crusty gloom at the bottom of the sty and you are groping, scrabbling, splitting your knuckles and shredding your nails against the splintery of the bottom, when you get down there, finally, you finally find the fuse, the thread of it, you best fuckin light it
sparing no moment for patience or reflection in this instance
grab hold of your most canine soul
Posted by
9:27 AM
whip out the sophistry module
it's all I got in my satchel besides
your old flask, which lately
has stopped murmuring to me
yeah, baby. you're killing them
whirling through the room like a tardy
ballon, low and tired. I can't
tell you what I want to say
but I'll buy you the words. five, say.
line 'em up. you flay them too much
I know, it's what makes the drinks
go down so clear. fear and sex played
out on a screen is what makes
this country go.
don't get petulant about it.
now smarten up
Posted by
8:21 AM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
four levels, dollhouse head.
images in the brainpan. well
is down, well is way down,
you can make it
on Tuesday
Posted by
7:34 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006
a vase half full of mnemonics
a wraith reading his intensity
in the breakdown lane, the big
trucks bombing past
Maggie, bring me an egg plate
and my viewfinder and get that
scrawny dog out there a steak
on my tab
Posted by
8:19 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Friday, August 4, 2006
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Time comes around and so do people. Like the ballplayers say, you should never get too high or too low. You've got to maintain an even keel.
The time eventually comes to reel in with the mind the thread of the conversation you should be having with yourself, the story you should be telling yourself.
Last night lying in the flat pungent heat I started writing in my mind, a mental activity that rarely amounts to much. But images at least retain possibilities.
Truth is the main concern these days, the main concern.
The only thing a person working alone can really effect.
Posted by
7:32 AM