i am not one to throw around cliched mindlessly juvenile terms such as "gay" and "retarded" to describe the events of the day up in this bitch
but today, after the "Halloween Parade" and attendant fanfare
i am prepared to make a god damned fucking exception
Friday, October 31, 2003
Posted by
2:29 PM
it will be a day
much like any
much like today
except the big news
will be that they have arrived
and no one
will ever look at sunlight
in quite the same way
ever again
Posted by
7:49 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Context is the key to everything.
Everything must be viewed in context.
Posted by
2:07 PM
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
I'm listening to Paul Simon's The Rhythm of The Saints on my headphones this morning.
I am getting drawn back into the feeling of 13 years ago this morning.
That is seeming like a long time ago this morning.
What's worse than not having a brother is missing someone like he's one.
Posted by
10:31 AM
Look at all of them. He stepped up onto the fountain, just staring for a while - staring out at all of them. Homeless kids, junkies, drunks. They began to congregate there by him in the park. He had no idea what he should tell them, how he could possibly help them. Finally he began to speak:
God as we can all clearly see is not around here. He's MIA. But poor as you are you can still see Him, can't you? Don't be sad. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Be righteous. Be kind and pure. As you are. I call you the children of God. Even as they come to beat you down, perhaps to kill you, still I see you in God. You are blessed when they curse you, spit on your name, talk shit against you. You are blessed. I will be with you. You're not the first, and you won't be the last, but be glad. Know it: you're going to win out in the end. You guys are the salt of the earth. You're good for something. But look around you. Salt gone bad is good for nothing, it gets thrown away, gets stepped on by people. So you be bright light in the world. A city on a hill can't be hid. Don't hide your light either, but raise it up - yes, raise those lighters! And give light to everyone in the house, let it shine out so others can see how good it is! And glorify God. You know where he is. Not here, right. I'm not here to bust your head or your beliefs, I'm not here to play Jesus or Buddha. I'm not trying to do anything bad. I just want to help. But I'm telling you: until the fucking Apocalypse really does come down on us, you, me, them, all of us - we're all on call. Shit we do now...everyone is going to be accountable some time down the road. There will be a reckoning. So check yourself. And set a good example. Try not to fuck up, especially if you're in a position to set an example. Try to do the right thing. God don't like ugly, and if you are ugly in your actions toward other people - toward anyone - God is not going to have you. The people who are running this shit talk a good game, but they're faking it. But don't worry about them. God will take care of them too. They used to say, Thou shalt not kill. There was a reason for that. I'm telling you, if you're angry with your brothers and sisters now for no reason, you're going to be in danger. It's like, call someone a fool and go to hell. If you bring your gift to church and start thinking about everything the world owes you, forget it. Leave your gift at the altar, go away and make things right with people. Agree with your adversaries quickly, as soon as you meet them. It's not going to matter later, so surrender all that bullshit now. Yes we are awash in bullshit, a tidal wave of bullshit, but you give up yours, because yours is the weight that is going to drag you down in the end. Be pure, try to be pure in everything. Don't get obsessed with sex and relationships. Get over yourselves! Find someone good and stick with them...
Posted by
8:32 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
if crying were money
The fabled room
now revealed:
a kennel.
And all the letters written here:
dry policies,
like worthless
The picture of you lithe among snow pines remains intact
as the lie
of singing
in lands
far from the cage.
I sit sipping
the mysteries of
oil and water,
Low on kindness,
out of time
Posted by
8:27 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
the means
I did it for the vacancy,
got greased
again and again.
For the walls inside,
aging blood
retains one kiss -
Hi long ago me on a curb,
freshly punched outside a bar.
Someone screamed,
someone yelled no.
I said, I'll go to Texas
if it'll get me back
inside you. I drove
to New York instead
and bought you a black hat &
black knit gloves
from blind vendor on Sixth
below the Garden.
breath was white
and then
my fear
3 years later,
I was back
in the slaughter.
My skin fed the cold air.
(Did I come
from you?)
Posted by
3:54 PM
hack a jack-o-lantern
face in the musty
fruit of life
better work fast
your mind
is the knife
Posted by
7:42 AM
Friday, October 17, 2003
Band Names For The Ages
Moo Goo Gai Pan
All Your World Series Are Belong To Us
The Grady Little Implosion
I Wonder If There Is Cat In This Chinee Food
Have A Ball, Have An Amputation, Amputate Your Balls, I Don't Give A Fuck
That Piece Of Crap You're Standing On Is Earth
Shave It Like A Bonsai Mabel
Pigs In Cubicles
Cigs In Pubicles
Four Hour Sleep No Good Must Go Get Drunk Leave Work Claim I'm Sick Yeap
Posted by
11:47 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2003
they are evil and I can't figure it
except it's a fucked age
and the shit happens
and people die
but not in baseball
only dreams
Posted by
11:37 PM
strange ramblings in the shower
the old mental patient thinks back
even the sane times now
are tinged with his manic
the gift
that keeps on
Posted by
9:04 AM
Monday, October 13, 2003
I need some space
this used to be a likely thing
to say in a relationship
or else have it said to you
but now I say it
over and over again
to myself,
giving the rebuke
and eating it too
Posted by
10:28 AM
Friday, October 10, 2003
i ain't goin nowhere
and I don't want to either
except maybe the mountains
with you
(but not if we're fighting)
Posted by
12:22 PM
look there goes that guy
what were all those other years for
If I only I could spend all day in the libary again
there I would be
Posted by
7:23 AM
Monday, October 6, 2003
the reverse Gregor Samsa is a move I favor
and in that good night where wine flowed and mingled with Beck's Oktoberfest,
I fell to the earth, the earth dealt me a blow to my right oblique. My good dog
stood by as witness. I later denied culpability. And vowed to mend back stronger
than I'd come
television is surreal. and still the reason I think I require greenery. then I cut it off
and was faced with my own basement's gloom. I repaired into its recesses for clothes.
I realized I'd been something too nice lately. That I'm more productive when mean.
If I could temper the meanness. If I could save it from drink
and some asshole in Harlem has been keeping a Bengal tiger in his apartment
and when I saw it full grown I said this is like a parable for some artist and then I said
fuck it the culture's already in shambles let it be me
Posted by
8:17 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 2003
I would like to be out there with the Pearson DiamondBack VX
Cold now at dawn
and one wonders
if we're bound
for an early frost.
Early mornings
at least some men
lurk in the woods
with bows,
scoping edges,
looming near
in treestands,
Waiting for deer.
The deer are prey
though subject
to ritual.
Animal ceremonialism,
the quest for spiritual power.
Annual ceremony of cosmic rejuvenation.
The Supreme Being.
Few stationary cult places,
life after death
beyond the horizon
or in the sky.
Aldo Leopold said
optimal variety and density
in life
most often obtains
along the edges.
By definition, an edge is the intersection of two different habitat types.
Guess where I am this morning.
Perhaps you're there too.
Posted by
9:06 AM