Wednesday, August 30, 2006

he stands
feeling a sheet of invisible frost on his face
emanating from his eyes

I make a certain gesture of the hand
and the mall parking lot transforms into a moat
of wine

is what he said to her as they stood
smoking outside

she gave him a narrow look
(she worked in perfumes)

then he said,
few turn to a seller of shoes for answers
that's why he sits baked in the back
among the boxes and shelves

you don't have to try so hard to creep me out,
was her rejoinder

when it comes to you so naturally

he blurted

what time you get off you wanna get a drink after work?

she flicked her butt the white filter of which was plum with lipstick
away toward the curb

weird is what she then said and went back inside

he then flashed to a vision of him stalking
the shoe floor with a