Tuesday, May 29, 2007


9:55 am

Oh, did I ever have a post last week, I was out in a biggish city by a big big lake, but then my laptop shit the bed, all corrupted, but oh, did I have a post. I'd even posted it, then I panicked that I'd written something to incriminate myself and, well, I hadda go back in there and delete that shit, because I can't have that. Not that I'd written anything all that incriminating, but still. But I tell you, it was a grand post, written with a head aflame, in airports and hotel rooms, oh the things I wrote. Alright, it wasn't that great. Kinda great. Might try to recapture a few vignettes. Later. When I'm not At Work. Got to get my Adult Crap done so's I can Play Later. Yeah. You should see the calluses on my lefthand fingers. Really ugly. But remember: right hand technique is what gets you there. Really, you gotta have both. I might yet buy that $199 Yamaha if it seems that there's songs inside it. Oh, it's been a crash course right back into the fray of it all. Getting my shit back together again. Hear my train a 'comin. A certain "mad scientist" ethic. Believin in things only I can see. Got to do it though and really sorta didn't today. Fuck, I hate it when work derails the plan and this week work is derailing the plan.


1:49 pm

Stream of consciousness is

all the media feed I need

The Internet, I hate it,

it's makin me stupider