the call might have been recorded for Quality Assurance, but is that a crapshoot or what?
I called 1-800-millionbillionblogcentralcentripetalcentrifuge and complained that your blog was way more interesting and better written than mine.
I used to consider myself a quite quirky fucker but evidently now I am just a too-clean Doug Doe sporting an incongruous biker mustache while seated in a beige foam and pill-fabric cubicle, staring into a screen, silent, bitterly hating all the foolishness.
Though (at least) his hair's still a mess, this too-sober, non-disheveled enough quasi-Kafkaesque sadfaceclown still has trouble getting laid, generally, even though that should've long ago ceased to be a fucking problem.
Cleaner of lung and clearer of head than at any recent previous time, still he spins his motherfucking wheels
and dreams of riches.
The oasis is oatmeal is quicksand is mealworms in your Quaker Oats your Cheerios your beer was overturned on the carpet and you were face down passed out beside a ruined couch in the bright basement of defeat
Anyway, I asked them to strike me dumb. The lady on the line assured me that my request was in process.
That was about a week ago and now I'm beginning to think she misunderstood me, except I still can't figure anything out, so maybe she didn't.
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Posted by
11:44 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
She is ruining me from afar.
She uses men for toothpicks and lately I've been afraid to drive.
I'm barefoot eating sample pie in the supermarket on Thanksgiving Day and all the black people working there are laughing at me. There's some kind of commotion at the registers so I steal away to the back, the stockroom. When the cop asks me what I'm doing there I ask him who wants to know. I go upstairs and hear her moaning on T.V.
Cleopatra must have been some artist as she simultaneously killed and fucked her prey.
She is laughing at me as she fucks my little brother.
We are both insane, but she manages to make it pay.
There is a kind of helping that is a ruining too. And a reckoning. I often wonder when it was that she lost her faith. It was her faith that kept her from fucking me.
I entered the bar and saw her talking to 3 guys who lived next door to her. I went away to the bathroom and when I came back she wasn't there. I went downstairs to the curb and looked up the dark street. She had just turned the corner, running.
Posted by
12:44 PM
Unpack your head.
Take your shoes off.
You're not going anywhere.
Everything you need is right here.
Posted by
7:50 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Friday, August 22, 2003
testing, testing, 1-2-3
The revelation can't be imposed
or spoken in code
Time and events don't just go away
All crashes back
upon us out here
awake in the waves,
wound, wrapped up,
in flameout attitudes
of pregnant
On a pay phone
now with the ghosts
all fighting, falling,
dying all around
again and again,
I'm aware of your panic.
There's blood in everyone's eyes.
I'm stranded, agape,
with more to tell
but no more to say
Posted by
7:21 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2003
seeds of frozen gloom
awaken like dead
education now
for one and some
and you
and you
Posted by
2:57 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
whoever that kid was with his thumb in it I would tell him to instead fuck that dike
passing through
the big string cheese anus
of the world
i shoot you a memory
like an
and it goes nowhere
as it busts
my chi
Posted by
10:48 AM
score one for the Beast
is a daily concern
up in this swirling bitch udder
of minds and lies
Posted by
10:24 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
keep off the phone
I awoke to the smell of a cigarette.
She was not in the bed.
The bedroom shade was wan, barely lit.
From outside came a sound of water dripping.
The cigarette smell grew stronger, creeping under the thin door.
I began to feel aroused.
Who knew where she'd gotten them.
We'd both quit in the months after the last war, neither of us wanting to be beholden to the addiction, should slim times ensue.
I pulled on my dusty denim coat and pants.
I pulled on my wool socks and stuffed my feet into my boots.
I stared for a couple of seconds at the duct tape I'd wound around the boots to hold them together. The tape was falling apart. Time to find some more tape.
I opened the thin door. The hallway was mostly dark. But I could see what looked like candlelight flickering from the kitchen area.
I said her name, but she did not answer.
I walked down to the entrance to the kitchen area.
She was sitting at the card table, smoking. A torn open carton of Pall Mall Blues sat on the table. She was ashing into this thick, heavy-looking white candle I'd never seen before.
She was wearing a brand new cashmere sweater, pea green, with a stretchy neck that revealed her bony chest. I could see her bare thighs and calves under the table.
I stared at her soft pale skin, tight along her collarbone.
"What is this?" I said.
The phone rang.
Oh shit I hope I can find me some gasoline. Oh shit I hope I can find me a gun.
What if I have to kill a man to steal his car.
The phone rang and rang.
"It's for you," she said.
"You fuckin' bitch." I could barely speak.
"You going to pick up?"
My hands were shaking as I picked up the phone. A feeling so distant, so unprecedented, holding that dusty receiver to my ear.
There was a click and a pause. Then a recording of a woman's voice began:
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have no right to an attorney. You are under arrest. Should you challenge subsequent eventualities...
I dropped the phone. It banged against the wall.
"Who'd you fuck?" I yelled.
"It's all the same."
She yawned. She lit another cigarette.
I thought about killing her. I told her so. Then I heard a car door open.
She threw a pack of Palls at me. They bounced of my chest and fell on the floor. I wish I could say she cackled and said something insane but she just sat, smoking, staring off to the side, impassive. Not looking at me nor anything.
I ran back down the hallway and bashed the nailed-shut bedroom window with my fist. The glass broke and I dove through the window.
The sun was up now, the sky full gray.
I ran.
Posted by
11:13 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
please refrain
first we
got lightly braised with botanicals
ate a hell of a barbecue
and applied a de-humanizing cream
then we
took our beers down
to the computer room,
there to view
forty or fifty
captured scenes
from the desert war
As our soldier
disbursed the
some of the gathered
uttered halting
over the unexpectedly
images of
charred humans,
split bodies,
ruined lives,
kids, etc.
Yet these remarks
seemed also shy
as if their owners
hadn't come quite prepared
to stand upon
spindle-legged compassion
of afterbirth
Posted by
7:33 AM
Monday, August 11, 2003
fu manchu
perhaps the best thing a man can do
these damp mid-August days
is re-engage
in honest daily
keep the beer
flowing slow
and cold,
and commence
to refoliate in
of Fall.
Posted by
3:01 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2003
the best bender I ever tore
the day they canned me from my job waiting tables
at their prettified rat's nest of a "health conscious" Italian
joint in the shadow of the Queensboro bridge,
I carried my fired ass across 2nd Avenue to drop
a dollar bill into a homeless lady's cup. She in her purple
quilted coat and seated upon a grey plastic milk crate
smiled up at me with more kindness than I deserved.
My life has always been like this. I lit a Camel
and carried myself serpentine around the corner,
down the length of Lexington Avenue to the train station,
the late afternoon light floating like summer
down across the buildings, the colors of objects and people
shimmering like cilia, or seaweed. The forked tongue
of debauchery flicking my ear. A delicious tender
digital technicolor acid itch crawling all over me.
I rode the train to my hovel in Greenpoint
where I showered and played my guitar.
Drank four Coronas and howled at the red sky,
the night coming down.
later on a low stage in an all night place
just outside Chelsea I slew these 2 drunk chicks
and a few drunken others with every song
I had, and a few I didn't.
this green eyed dude with short dreadlocks
jumped up on stage with me for some E flat blues
till the gray dawn light sluiced in like pale water
thru the big plate glass window.
everyone was drinking as though they were immortal
then this wire-limbed Micmac girl in tight, dirty
blue jeans entered my scope. or perhaps I
entered hers. she seemed like a veteran. everyone
seemed to love her. how I wanted to fuck her.
instead we all smoked a joint outside in a doorway,
then she melted away
after a few more words
of epic drunken cameraderie
with my green eyed blues friend,
so did I too,
down into the E train
much later in the loud
bright 10 oclock
not a cloud in the sky,
I crawled out
of Greenpoint station
broke to stalk
down the butt-end
of Manhattan Ave.
with my hangover demonic,
my scowl
like finery,
and the bums all knew me.
wonder that
I still had my guitar.
(I'd lose that later,
in a future drunk March,
a week after
my birthday)
Posted by
9:52 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
god, I am tired. and whipped in the head. for a variety of reasons. nonetheless, here are 5 poems i would like to write. if I'm game, they'll be the next 5 I write.
they might come at night out as drunken phone calls, so if you're one of the handful who's apt to look, you might want to look
the best bender i ever tore
keep away from the phone
panic is a train
what I told her
keep ya greasy mouth off me
Posted by
2:29 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2003
some people arch into your life
at a high trajectory;
you can see them coming,
fore and aft. you can see
the white space around them.
lurching in slow,
they plummet
other people hew
into your life low and fast,
flying tight to the land,
barely seaming the mists.
creeping fast as dawn,
they eat the shadows
and before you know it,
they've come, gone
around, made another
I dreamt of you.
We were seated
in a restaurant
near Ground Zero.
I'd just smoked a cigarette.
I ordered Chinese pizza
for the second day straight.
You said it was as
good a choice as any,
then the floor exploded.
this morning's a wet spore
the sky, a drab bruise
my brain,
a fist of sadness
Posted by
7:28 AM