the answer might be slide guitar
the answer might be how easily it all got written in a dream
the answer might be snow sun wind rain grass asphalt flowers etc.
the answer might be 35 years old
the answer might be to drink slow and easy
the answer might be pot
the answer might be forward reminiscence
the answer might be sit and type until a trance takes hold
the answer might be in the fingers
the answer might be unfurling
or it might be
Friday, April 20, 2007
and again
Posted by
11:54 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007
the b and the d
How are you enjoying the flight?
I find it to be alternately sublimely terrifying and emotionally disturbing but mainly boring and depressing.
How are you enjoying the pornography?
Ultimately, while very susceptible to feeling both aroused and repulsed by what it suggests, I find it to be very boring and depressing.
How did you find the company of any number of average American citizens? (in the airport, on the flight, at the conference, on the streets under the gorgeous California sun, overheard outside in the motel court while you lay wiped out from work and jetlag watchin the free HBO and hoping like hell you weren't really getting sick because it was going to be a long and brutal flight back the next day, a Saturday, the worst day for business travel because of all the very public amateurish pin-assery in play at the nation's airports? I'm not a wholly seasoned traveler, but for better or worse over the past year I've become much less rank. However, even when I was arank amateur, I tried to hold down the dumb shit. Tried not act like a total freakin dope. Tried to be cool. People gotta try to be cool, is the thing. More people gotta. Oh whatever)
60-40 ratio: idiotic, boring depressing - basically OK
How have you found your own behavior to be in any number situations and conversations?
Same ratio.
Qualify the many varietals of fools in early 21st Century American culture.
Harmless fools, vile fools, self-aggrandizing fools, blithering fools, old fools, fat fools, young fools, drunk fools, unwitting fools, unwilling fools, shit-eating fools, desperate fools, satiated fools, craven fools, plodding fools, temporary fools, complacent fools, strident fools, spectacular fools. Folly is a cornucopia of the human situation. My ally it is, and a powerful ally is it. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Folly around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
How did you find this blog entry?
tha b and tha d mutha fucka, tha b
Posted by
8:52 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
it can
The dream's imagery was sharp and lucid.
I said OK but can it go on for 50 thousand words.
I said it can but you would have to find just the right ones.
Then you said writing is the only form of telepathy you can bet on so you better get betting.
I said OK but it's hard in the morning when you got other drudgery to do and also a bad habit of screwing off on the Internet.
Then you said fuck the Internet at a certain point you just have to make yourself do the thing.
I said OK but what the thing is certainly isn't what I'm putting into the file that is 313.
And you said, it's not, but it's close. And besides --
Then I cut you off mailed in this stupid blog entry because what the fuck and whyever not
Posted by
8:31 AM
Monday, April 9, 2007
I can honestly characterize the recent behavior as that of a dervish with broken glass dangling from the blood of its face. Its mangled face. I can honestly say that. I would say that.
But does that characterization in any way help to mitigate what you have in the past described as the "extreme spiritual parsimony inherent" in your recent catalog of affliction?
Firstly, I've never heard of any temporal or temporary condition, as implied by your term "affliction," as lasting for a period of roughly thirteen years. Honestly. A span of that term, to me, speaks more to a kind of doom. And doom is no catalog.
You're speaking subjectively again. Mistaking your subjective reality for a general objective principality. Let's not go backwards here.
Secondly, have you ever been whipped in the face? Like a real bull whip like this one here in my bag. [Takes out whip]. Braided leather. I found this at the dump. You get really mangled when its in the face. Would right now be an OK time for you?
[He cracks the whip into the therapist's face, the first of thirty lashes to the man's face and body. The therapist screams and gibbers before finally expiring.] thick? I thorry....
you thick? I thorry....
you thick? I thorry....
you thick?
[He runs and dives through the pane glass of the window behind the desk, shattering the window and he flies through and out.]
Posted by
11:47 AM
Thursday, April 5, 2007
the target
sad desolate too aware a prisoner at the bar on his cellphone at the bar calling anyone he ever knew no one's home no one's home I'm an actor you know and my speciality is actin stupid playin the fool but I got money dredged out of our joint account well fuck her she threw me out let her figure about the rent they say there's a river to the East I wonder what it's like at the bottom feeding him drinks as long as he can pay the million light year eyes osciallating slow and inevitable toward the blackout maybe the last blackout what has always saved him and may save him yet one last time is he's a handsome devil and he knows it. hey. who's this cat at the bar with the slicked back hair and the tatted forearms. Name's Legere, he drawls. Buy you a drink, pardner? Slicked hair turns to him.
Posted by
9:02 AM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
new licks: 1
Lights on:
Damien Legere snapped awake in the hotel room provided by the agency and determined (before even taking in the precise quality of the room) that what he needed most, in that exact instant, was to light and smoke a cigarette. His visceral urge to smoke was rapacious, even feral. The most deeply present itch in a body he dimly sensed now as rife with such urges.
Chemically imbalanced.
Pleasures of the flesh.
Weird, he thought. I wonder: why?
Gotta get me some butts...
And a drink. Whiskey, yes, he wanted whiskey.
Drinking and smoking. Yes indeedy. This ought to be good
Posted by
8:12 AM