John the Revelator
No one believed
in aces or ashes
till I came alone,
with black haired
wrists and no pains
in my side.
My ribcage
is whale
bone. Heave me
from the shore,
if you can.
Spray of agony,
spume of dismay,
I have neither, none.
Cloudburst lightning
strobes the grey tide.
I breathe, and eyes
breed over me.
Suck now,
from the hem
of my coat,
oh yes,
heal your hands
in my salt-slicked
Monday, March 31, 2003
Posted by
7:00 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2003
will you marry me?
After long battle,
the stonecutter
pulls salt hits.
No meat required.
I lurk.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2003
and another thing
statue firing squad blown out rain of blood water
chastity. fields of embers. an arm. slicing her face
in the mirror she feels like a rose a calamity of fingernails
rake back the months, the flesh of her neck, a mirror
for thugs, marines, news commentators, lust
Tigris, Euphrates, ladies, my trust is your nightmare
black horses fed on desert dust and rust made 2 oceans
away. today, I beat the lust down, but the crown of the emperor
is glass-crusted cocaine, dry chains whipped back till fill with black
blood, the soldiers, the desert mud's topography charts the death of love
"Screen it!," I yelled, but you ignored me letting dopamine prevail
as you bashed and bailed, my temple the worse for the poplar hail
of your ashen bat, your gat, your homegrown genome of hate, fate
and taking the bait. She took you deep, deep as she could take you,
but finally she died. Freedom. Fried. And all your grade school teachers lied.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
I reckon I'll be makin' a few drunken phone calls tonight.
I hope I will be.
Posted by
5:27 PM
This kid Eddie
had been in my homeroom class since the beginning
(because he was a "D" and I was a "C")
and now we were coming to the end
the beginning of the last Spring before high school
There he was, sitting next to me again,
big lumbering dude, fresh grey cords not falling down,
striped green dress shirt tucked in, belted in.
Wide, open collar. Clean, white leather hi-tops
laced loose, tongues pushed out, the way kids used wear them.
He'd become a dresser. But with his sand-wisp
hair and close-set, rabbit blue eyes, his pink, slick, fat
lower lip, his runny nose, and high, halting, impeded speech:
he was the same sloppy, happy-seeming, gentle kid from the second grade.
He carried himself well.
I suspect things were not so great for him at home.
He had his dignity.
That homeroom morning in early Spring,
Eddie made a singsong remark
in that curious high pitch of his
about hearing the birdies sing
This morning,
13 years later,
walking outside with my dog,
hearing them birdies sing again,
I hope he's still out there.
Why am I crying?
Posted by
7:37 AM
Monday, March 24, 2003
Saturday, March 22, 2003
Friday, March 21, 2003
warm day
when the March sun heats the breeze
and beats down on the windshields of the cars
and trucks, even in the roadwork dust
of the on ramp,
ah, fuck it.
Posted by
11:47 PM
In the space of a couple hours, how wrong could I have been?
You can see how the wind blows now. They're doing Shock & Awe on the ground while pretending at the Pentagon that they're not.
I guess what it comes down to is, they don't have to decimate the country for this all to be an outrage.
CNN is saying they're going to be dropping 1500 weapons over the next 24 hrs. I'm doing the math, and if this was happening in my neighborhood, I know what I'd be thinking:
I'm dead.
Rumskill this afternoon described this latest bombing using terms including "humane" and "humanitarian."
Every time I think I can't get more cynical, the B.F.E.E. shows me the way.
(I'm too fucking chagrined, lazy, and pressed for time to link, but, Progressives, click over to, linked under Probitas, left, for more outrage vis a vis the B.F.E.E.)
Posted by
3:23 PM
the Cakewalk
I think we're being played.
I think now, watching Faux News & etc., that all this "Shock & Awe" bullshit was a political ploy, calculated to make the Bushboy look cagey, wise & benevolent. Evidence of his Steady Hand & Political Leadership, as he witholds, as he waits & sees.
I wonder if they ever intended to do it at all, the "Shock & Awe." I certainly hope I'm right.
I think it might all have been another marketing campaign designed to scare and/or excite the shit out of everyone: them, us, the world. Maybe it wasn't even planned out as such, but it seems pretty clear this is how they're playing it, as they have so many times in the recent past: bait and switch. Say what you will about the present cartel, but they are a cunning bunch of opportunists, running this shit.
I wonder if they've known all along that Saddam has almost nothing in the way of serious force, no real way anymore to gin up any serious mayhem. If he could strike Israel, if he could drop some chemical WMDs, wouldn't he? Or is it possible that he's feeling like what he is, an old man, and that he's sharp enough to recognize what this all represents: the curtain call? Time to retire?
Our military capability, at this point, is truly, ridiculously fearsome. The appropriate respose to such overwhelming, horrifying power is to shit your pants, fill 'em up, and I'm sure that's what Saddam and his fellows are doing.
It's so clear that Saddam is fucked, out, finished, no matter what. Perhaps in large part because most Iraqis probably want him gone anyway, and why wouldn't they? Saddam is a garden variety evil bastard who without a doubt even within his own regime has made his share of mortal enemies over the years.
Here's a guy who stood up before his fellows smoking a fucking cigar and having anyone who blew him any guff taken out and killed until all those grown men started weeping, shitting their pants, genuflecting, pledging their undying allegiance to him. Oh, yeah. There's footage of this from like 1964.
We've had Special Forces & intelligence working inside Iraqi borders for months, and I have to believe that they've considerably paved the way for what we're seeing now i.e. the Cakewalk
It's not hard to figure out how it benefits no one to wreak havoc and chaos in the Middle East. Evidently even the Hawks must know this and fear the range of consequences.
Let's not forget, they're businessmen first and foremost. Truly bloodthirsty monsters do not good plutocrats, or salesmen, make.
They're not the rapists who bash you in an alley, take you by brutal force. They're date rapers, they want to soften you up, just lie back and take it, try to enjoy it, because you can't stop it. Not at this point.
Short-term, I certainly hope this is the Cakewalk, so lives can be spared for the moment all the way around. Maybe if we get the Cakewalk, somehow this ball can be rolled to the world's better advantage. No one really knows for sure how this is all going to play out, long-term, and I think that's important to remember.
Although if the Cakewalk is indeed what unfolds it will be a huge political victory for the Smirking Chimp. You have to think it will be an effective fucking coronation, it will be a pious thermonuclear love-fest, it will allow BushMedia to forbode and prepare for Pseudo-Campaign Thank God for Reverend GW Bush Jr. Inc. 2004-08.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2003
they're hosing us down in forget foam
they've been hosing us for a while,
but they're ramping up now
and it's scary
how their lies are all out there
for anyone to know
or believe
and you find yourself thinking things like:
I hope they all just surrender.
Maybe it won't be so bad.
No No NO
God, what a bitter, horrifying reality show
this is
painful in its brand-new quality
this is another chapter
such atrocities will follow that people
will forget what came before,
how we got here
some people will.
and what about the people who are
mistaken or deluded or just plain don't know
how we got here in the first place?
what viscious lies are in preparation for them?
to kill and die
to kill and die
to kill and die
No. Hide. Go underground.
But how do you go underground
when you've already been buried?
Fucking crappy poetry
won't save the world.
But it'll save me.
'Scuse me while I tend to my dead soldiers.
Posted by
10:21 PM
Machine Gun
Tearing my body all apart
Machine Gun, yeah
Tearing my body all apart
Evil man make me kill you
Evil man make you kill me
Evil man make me kill you
Even though we’re only families apart
Well I pick up my axe and fight like a farmer
And your bullets keep knocking me down
Hey, I pick up my axe and fight like a farmer now
Yeah, but you still blast me down to the ground
The same way you shoot me down, baby
You’ll be going just the same
Three times the pain,
and your own self to blame
Hey, Machine Gun
I ain’t afraid of your mess no more, babe
I ain’t afraid no more
After a while, your cheap talk don’t even cause me pain,
so let your bullets fly like rain
’Cause I know all the time you’re wrong baby
And you’ll be going just the same
Yeah, Machine Gun
Tearing my family apart
Yeah, yeah, alright
Tearing my family apart
- Jimi Hendrix, Band of Gypsies
Posted by
10:37 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
eve of war
Beneath the insane impulse
waits the insane absolution.
Crush uncertain worth.
Insanity doesn't panic
when blown out on the page.
Fallen away from good times,
it's not OK.
Coins circling the drain:
click the worth.
What soul, written?
Excuses, reasons
to drink one more night.
Suffer the suffering world.
What dreams
insanity realizes.
Got guns,
the bomb,
souls made of rain.
America, X function,
eats her brain.
Absent genome for quality goods.
I want to live in the woods.
I want to go away,
some place far.
Deeds hidden:
the script's going too fast.
My heart is breaking.
It's all going too fast
Posted by
9:44 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
pisces fate
Ok, so tonight
is a night of slamming doors,
accoutrements falling all over the place,
disposable cameras, wrought iron baskets,
sales receipts, gloves, hats, envelopes,
bills, relationships
coming apart.
It happens.
Don't make me say something awful.
Because, believe me, I can.
She said.
I can relate to that.
I always get mired in the hard vowels.
None of those words
have ever made it
with the ladies.
I suppose,
certain guys
never do.
Good thing I ain't yet sworn
off the drinking and the smoking;
God knows,
I need it
Posted by
10:04 PM
beer, coyotes
and for nights to come,
I'll take it as hemlock
for my dormant politics,
essential Risperdal
for viewing
the atomic white schizophrenic war hive fetus,
I mean the television
The coyote has no despair.
Strange urges
move him
toward the highway.
The moonlit woods
sings of his
billion souls.
Posted by
3:38 PM
Monday, March 17, 2003
good night, sweet hearts, it's time to go
I used to sing a song about a War Prophet,
a washboard
blues in E-flat
involving scratch
acoustic slide riffs etc.
The War Prophet
came riding over the hillside
he only had one horse
between his thighs
the other 3 horses
he left
for Jesus Christ
the War Prophet
knew his price
he knew he was not the Christ -
not yet
He came
thunderin' through the twilight
lightning shooting
from his eyes
All across horizons
you could see the farmhouse
Women, girls & little boys
heads exploding
in the noise:
the War Prophet
had looked too hard
at their Horizon
Fire in the Government:
Satans from their Hells
"You're bound to drop the bombs!,"
shouted Clint Eastwood from his house,
while long across the purple plain
the President, a mouse, just lost his grip:
This is what I have to do
This is what I have to do
Once I believed I was the War Prophet
and so, evidently, I was,
albeit in a very minor
league way.
The Grand Masters of
the Prophecy Council
now, of course,
sit bunkered
in Washington, D.C.,
lording it to their vassals,
munching on Freedom Fries
fixing to umber the Panic Code
up just a shade
in honor of GWB's
Big Moment of Truth
scheduled to air tonight,
8 P.M. Eastern Standard Time.
Ready or not,
here we come!
dead or alive
dead or alive
dead or alive
I plan to watch in terror
Posted by
3:34 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Gazing at the other owners
in dog training class,
I'm aware of my dark resume.
Metal folding chairs
are set two by two
in a circle.
We - men, women, children, dogs -
sit amiably,
waiting for instruction.
Posted by
8:00 PM
Friday, March 14, 2003
Third Soldier
Women wailed,
a soldier coughed,
Another muttered,
couldn't be heard,
the third sent
a sponge
sopped in oil.
God drank unslaked,
took to heaving,
but not before making
certain requests.
Many women wailed.
Others left.
Kids became restless.
It was almost over.
A wife,
dry-eyed and disgusted,
flung her hand:
They're laughing at you!
this Jesus was polite.
Those soldiers knew
exactly what they had done.
They did it all the time.
Some lived to wonder
if they'd really
loved their crimes.
Some forgot,
others couldn't:
owned atrocities,
shame and pride.
The third soldier,
who had raised
the dripping pike
and swabbed
the lips of Christ,
came stoically,
many nights
into the throats
and bellies
of Jews and Christians
alike. He pressed
their heads down.
Crude irony,
not funny,
though perhaps
that such scenes
should play out
again and again
in his life.
he was comfortably
unsurprised about
that ever happened
to him. Incapable
of guilt.
He wondered:
can it be true?
He marveled,
with reservations,
at the enormity
of his sins. The way
one might marvel
at rumors
of distant natural
disasters. Earthquake,
floods, famines,
In Rome, in the time
when Christians were
having their throats torn out,
this third soldier
went to see the lions.
They came from Africa.
He was engrossed
by their awesome boredom.
How careless their stalking,
how listless their pounces.
Arrogant, they killed
only to sniff with disdain
at the corpses. As if
to say: remove this
Two moved together
away from their slaughter.
The old soldier left
saddened, and strangely
to be so alone.
Posted by
11:14 PM
Here's an old one. I just found this in a box. This goes way back, to around '95.
for a girl I don't even know
You, Sketch. I
say instant, sure. At
first sight.
This, not as easy.
Whatever exists is
outside of movies.
Cut to the good.
No chance. Always
stuck in the integral,
each now leading
irrevocably to
next imperfect
Even your face
won't be safe
in my mind.
What happens there
in the long
nights. Best thing
that could happen:
an earthquake, a war,
disease. Endless birds,
shadows stealing
over us.
Why say future?
This now
is the first
to matter. Is.
Isn't. Is.
Sketch. What
you are. We met
in a dream.
The dream was real but
who I was
How we turned
through that saloon,
raising our bottles,
God on our lips.
Winter light
sketching the
pool tables.
Us moving
past them,
like people we
never knew.
Thinking about it, being with the girl in this poem was heartbreak from beginning to end.
I used to spend a lot of time in the Video Saloon in Bloomington, IN. It was maybe the best bar in town. It's probably still the same. After I graduated, I landscaped there in southern Indiana for about a year. I remember baking in the sun. Raking this reddish dirt, we were at some wealthy person's house way out in the country. I remember thinking how this big war was probably coming, letting the movie play out in my mind.
It really sucks to be right sometimes, even partially right.
I was wild and crazy back then, and the world was calm. It was the boom, the long national orgasm of unprecedented peace and prosperity.
Now I'm calm, and the world's gone fucking crazy. At least, our country has. Relatively speaking. I'd like to say this is just one man's opinion...but I'd be lying.
This business of having to get up and go to work really sucks, now...
Posted by
7:40 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Annie Rex
I met a girl named Ann Hui
who said she didn't care
enough to cry anymore,
sitting half-dressed by her
rain-spattered window,
one more grey Indiana day,
late winter,
first bottle of $5 Merlot: downed.
funky red ashtray: all mounded with butts.
I met a girl named Ann Sile
who rebuffed
my initial advances
at the pool table
but told me later in her Mazda
sipping Beam from my shiny flask
that she'd thought to slash
her husband's blonde jowl
that morning but didn't,
for her kids' sake
I met a girl named Ann Mesh
who set fire to the hair
on the back of my neck
with her breath, who grasped
me so hard her cuticles
filled with my blood, and filled
they remain. Now she's on fire
somewhere down in east Texas.
I'm still here in these woods
in the cold mountains' shadow,
waiting for songs
I fucked a girl named Ann Rage,
now I live in her house.
And I can't get out.
Her ironweed touch
is narcotics, blood, whiskey.
Remedy enough
for one with my
Posted by
3:19 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
i am stupidhead
all in all
it's small ball
to recall
the loll & stall
of last fall's
your better
letter now:
the wetter
the header
the bomber
the cheddar,
about cheddar
but never
the letter
and never
forget her
Posted by
10:50 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2003
i was down
a nomadic entity
in your sarcophagus
i was a renegade
umbrage moniker
deep water
in the culvert
you were amenities
for a wastrel
80 miles hence
and i was your Philistine
with the door closed,
able to channel my ace hand
to make amends
with the belligerent fist
that was my god
cut loose
inside your blue jeans
i stood fast
within your delta soul,
and did not fail to amaze
how swift i cut,
disintegrating ties
offering all
to your sympathetic hands
Posted by
6:31 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2003
Five Points
In the low rectangular confines
of the bar,
I sat at a wobbling table
along a sweating extrusion
of brick wall,
hunched in a battered, wine-colored
bingo chair,
outlining my theories to my friend.
"The world is changing," I said, ashing into a warped aluminum
disk, "Some of us are too."
I crushed my cigarette
into the top of my hand
as proof. Baring incisors,
my friend guffawed.
We were the seediest
scumbags ever to crap
in a graveyard.
The only women we knew
were drunk and disturbed,
and smelled eternities
more alluring than yeast
and saltpeter,
our cheap urban stink.
We sat there tripping,
feeling alien strong,
knowing we'd be awake
for hours,
immune to the ill effects
of drinking.
Drifting back to the city,
we rode in his brown 80's Ranger
along the winding highway.
As the lights rose glittering
among the billboards and buildings,
the milk Georgia night
pulled smoke from our lungs,
away from the truck,
into more covert madness
Posted by
4:45 PM
blood flowers on the sun
and in the morning
came breakfast.
French toast
on a styrofoam plate
with the syrup pre-added
pooled on the bread
And I'm not sure,
but I think a cop
came in and loosed
the straps on my arms
so at least I could eat it.
I held the plate
to my mouth
and ate
it like a dog
Before that,
way back
in the long night,
I'd been strapped into the chair
and they left me there.
I'd finally quieted down
and there was an era of pause.
motherfucker...that broom handle...
ain't feelin so proud now...
bitch ass...white motherfucker...
meanwhile, I sat there
in full knowledge that the world
had, overnight, become a glowing crater,
that my father had boarded a plane,
come to save me
after he saw me on TV
channeling Omega via satellite feed
with Eddie Vedder, Jimi Hendrix, Tupac
(who'd resurrected himself 900 ft. tall
and had blown blood flowers on the sun
as the explosions fell)
My Dad was on the plane
coming for me
but the bastards had known
and slit his throat
and my poor sweet girl,
who'd made it underground,
was just two cell lengths over
laying dead and bloodied
on the grey floor
in the wan, hospital green reflection
of the block's cinder block walls
raped by the guards
I must have slept.
Next thing I knew
there was a black man
in a khaki cop's shirt
bent over me trying to unfasten
the straps on the chair
I'd been publicly electrocuted
the night before on national TV
after my Armageddon gig
but somehow, now, had endured.
And this black cop was unfastening
buckles, locks, clasps
whatever they were,
as fast as he seemed to unbuckle
them, they seemed to re-fasten
themselves of their own accord
like the dark magic
I thought I'd invoked
Eventually, I was freed.
The whole nightmare had begun to start
all over again
in modified form
but luckily my Dad and uncle (twin brothers) finally appeared
in real life to transport me to Tennessee
and sanity
but, before the cops brought me out to see them,
the black cop who'd freed me from restraint brought out a pair
of old, crusty, bleach-withered, wretched running shoes
to put on my feet
(I was barefoot: the day before, I'd thrown away my shoes,
coat, glasses, guitar, sanity and hope)
and led me into the room where they took pictures, mug shots.
He stood me on a platform
and aimed the camera at me.
I was still convinced of my horrible guilt,
and asked, "Is this going to hurt?"
He replied, "Doesn't usually."
Then they turned me over
to my Dad and uncle
and I remember them both looking at me
with such looks of incredulity, fear, and love
my Dad hugged me,
and the first thing my uncle did
when we got out to his truck
was give me a pair Docksiders
he had in there
I took off the fucked up, bleached jogging shoes
and dropped them on the Georgia asphalt,
noticing a medallion sized, purple blood blister
on my heel as I did so,
I told them.
"They killed her
and pinned it on me."
And it was a long ride
after that before I was finally safe at home
Posted by
9:18 AM
Sunday, March 2, 2003
yeah now this is what I call living
Word, I want y'all to meet my man Onan,
he got a slick hand
with the ladies
and he is an ice-cold motherfucker
when it comes to chains
of molecules and shit and
Hail, no, I have no idea what I'm saying
I'm LSD in your waxed paper, Ma
I'm Charlie Tuna slithering up your inner thigh
I'm the raconteur of not giving a fuck
and my main assets
are alive and walkin the land
like fuckin' Baal,
just like that walkin' dude
I'm an inflammatory motherfucker,
you have to recognize,
I'm fuckin' addled, man
they had me locked in a cage
handcuffed to the bars
and some big dude
in a sheriff's costume came in
and said if I wanted to act like Jesus Christ
then I better damn well prove it to the motherfucker in the orange jumpsuit
with the fuckin' mop bucket and broom handle
as my black brothers in the cell across the path
adjusted their huge hoods,
letting their spittle trail out
in mournful pendulum arcs
as it fell to the floor
I said to the world, you motherfuckers better turn off these cameras,
and I want only 3 things:
a six pack of Honey Brown
a pack of Winstons
and my lost girl to come back to love me
short of that
you better get me fuckin' Dan Rather
and a CBS news crew
and let me rectify my shit
now, before the bombs start to fall
but it was too late.
and it was my fuckin fault,
no one could stop it,
the hands of the clock
couldn't be wound back past
the twelfth hour I'd brought on
later they passed me a fish sandwich
through the cell bars, just a couple hours after I'd brought
the Apocalypse down,
and I couldn't even eat the fuckin' thing
because I was at that point strapped into a restraining chair
and the cop with the key
was fuckin' snoozing,
I could hear him snoring
Posted by
10:08 PM