the Cakewalk
I think we're being played.
I think now, watching Faux News & etc., that all this "Shock & Awe" bullshit was a political ploy, calculated to make the Bushboy look cagey, wise & benevolent. Evidence of his Steady Hand & Political Leadership, as he witholds, as he waits & sees.
I wonder if they ever intended to do it at all, the "Shock & Awe." I certainly hope I'm right.
I think it might all have been another marketing campaign designed to scare and/or excite the shit out of everyone: them, us, the world. Maybe it wasn't even planned out as such, but it seems pretty clear this is how they're playing it, as they have so many times in the recent past: bait and switch. Say what you will about the present cartel, but they are a cunning bunch of opportunists, running this shit.
I wonder if they've known all along that Saddam has almost nothing in the way of serious force, no real way anymore to gin up any serious mayhem. If he could strike Israel, if he could drop some chemical WMDs, wouldn't he? Or is it possible that he's feeling like what he is, an old man, and that he's sharp enough to recognize what this all represents: the curtain call? Time to retire?
Our military capability, at this point, is truly, ridiculously fearsome. The appropriate respose to such overwhelming, horrifying power is to shit your pants, fill 'em up, and I'm sure that's what Saddam and his fellows are doing.
It's so clear that Saddam is fucked, out, finished, no matter what. Perhaps in large part because most Iraqis probably want him gone anyway, and why wouldn't they? Saddam is a garden variety evil bastard who without a doubt even within his own regime has made his share of mortal enemies over the years.
Here's a guy who stood up before his fellows smoking a fucking cigar and having anyone who blew him any guff taken out and killed until all those grown men started weeping, shitting their pants, genuflecting, pledging their undying allegiance to him. Oh, yeah. There's footage of this from like 1964.
We've had Special Forces & intelligence working inside Iraqi borders for months, and I have to believe that they've considerably paved the way for what we're seeing now i.e. the Cakewalk
It's not hard to figure out how it benefits no one to wreak havoc and chaos in the Middle East. Evidently even the Hawks must know this and fear the range of consequences.
Let's not forget, they're businessmen first and foremost. Truly bloodthirsty monsters do not good plutocrats, or salesmen, make.
They're not the rapists who bash you in an alley, take you by brutal force. They're date rapers, they want to soften you up, just lie back and take it, try to enjoy it, because you can't stop it. Not at this point.
Short-term, I certainly hope this is the Cakewalk, so lives can be spared for the moment all the way around. Maybe if we get the Cakewalk, somehow this ball can be rolled to the world's better advantage. No one really knows for sure how this is all going to play out, long-term, and I think that's important to remember.
Although if the Cakewalk is indeed what unfolds it will be a huge political victory for the Smirking Chimp. You have to think it will be an effective fucking coronation, it will be a pious thermonuclear love-fest, it will allow BushMedia to forbode and prepare for Pseudo-Campaign Thank God for Reverend GW Bush Jr. Inc. 2004-08.
Friday, March 21, 2003
Posted by
9:11 AM
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