Friday, April 25, 2003

collection plate blues (slight return)

Anecdotal reflex:

scriptural process,

spurious juvenalia,

functional abnormality,

referenced hedonism.

Method advertising.

Ordinary items kept inside,

kept indoors,

here and now

where the window's cold.

Untenable ambivalence,

a drawer full of onions,

one dimension revealed.

Just for a minute.


It's for you.

Cells for the microscope,

my box full of slides

equates lies

while insanity feigned


genuine articles.

It's OK, it happens.

The sage recommendation holds:

hate hypocrisy

and walk away from evil,

if you would

be wise.

More worth should be obtaining


less worthless explaining,

less explaining some worth.

I'm blue as a favor,

and blues

is a flavor.

My favorite
