Monday, February 3, 2003


ain't it a benevolent universe:

some days you just know,

kicking your feet off the side of the bed

down to the floor again

in the pre-dawn gloom -

sometimes you just have to say, fuck it

It's always something and

it's always some bullshit

I worked with a fellow once in ladies' shoe sales,


in Atlanta,

who passed this assimilated mantra

on to me

in (to his undying credit)

an offhand moment


the pre-dawn gloom

and redundant thaw in this February day

(my God. purchased Steve Earle's Jerusalem album today:

...listening to it now....the controversial John Walker's Blues just came on...

this is a devastatingly good song & recording...might have guessed...

the hatchet job the Media Whores wanted to let down on S.E. a couple months back for this gem...

this entire album: highly recommended on musical merits alone...)

the pre-dawn gloom

and promise of

redundant thaw

this February day

and a feeling of wanting

to enter into some kind

of mental clearing,

some clarity

brings the wayback

retail postulate

to the fore:

fuck it

it's true:

they can depress your wages

and they can surely depress your outlook

but they can't touch your soul's


introduce some new fish

into your inner aquarium

I've assimilated the postulate.

So to all:

a good night