Thursday, February 6, 2003

too much

I learn today from the NYTimes that Chess is on the wane, finished

so goeth the record label, so goeth the game

dead like the Delta Blues

but this is ephemera, all of it

because the other story in the Times today was

about a crushed blue baby stroller, a toddler's shoe

in the road,

a girl and her son, and her young friend, run down and killed

on Atlantic Avenue in Cypress Hills, near the border of Brooklyn and Queens.

by a drug-addled 25-yr. old male individual

driving - or shall we say rampaging - in

his father's black Jeep Cherokee.

10 blocks after killing those poor people

he crashed into the back of a semi-, severed

part of his hand, bled profusely,

resisted the efforts of people

who came to his assistance,

fomented an angry mob,

and finally

had to be restrained by police.

the Times article goes on to say

that this apparently monstrous individual's

family has been worried about him

for a quite some time now

Why must the world be so pregnant with perpetual violence, insanity, stupidity,

and death?
