One of my friends at work has started this blog where he posts cartoons I've drawn depicting a young friend of ours.
Thursday, May 29, 2003
everything: a little off this a.m.
couldn't get comfortable in bed or fall asleep from 12:39 a.m. forward after missing the top of a thrilling 9th inning though the Sox eventually
lost on a shitty fucking call of ball when it was a strike
(and, oh yeah, to George Steinbrenner: go fuck yourself, old man. I waited on you once in New York so can personally
verify what a cocksucker you are. I hope you fall down and hit your fucking head on the sidewalk, bitch.)
couldn't get obscure, circular, useless, bizzare consideration of this stupid blog off my mind
was too warm in the sheets and residually angry at my female counterpart for foolish (I admit) reasons
and, oh yeah, heartburn was in heavy effect
finally fell asleep for some time, then my female counterpart arose first, which is rare, so I had to piss like the racehorse and
that was a piss deferred for some short, unbearable time
then the black German Shepherd wouldn't eat his breakfast
and wouldn't take his morning shit
all he wanted to do was gently sniff one of 13 freshly planted arborvitaes
which was fine
except it highlighted, for me, the increasing unruliness of the grass
but it's been rain rain rain
except this morning is beautiful
sunny, ripe
I suppose I should be happy the dog at least peed
then I took him for his walk
and, wouldn't you know, suddenly now I was all bound up with having to crap
but what can you do?
when we got back from the walk,
we had a round of cat chasing
the smallest one, Harley, taunting him from under the bed
not really taunting, just there, and he can't tolerate it,
not when in his crate, which is where I had to put him,
the better to go shit and shower
because at only a year he's still a baby
and would get into mischief
well, finally I was ready to go to work
but had to take that boy, I mean that dog
back out yardward for one last dance,
but again: no shitting, just the gentle sniffing of the
freshly planted arborvitae (one of thirteen)
and I had the thought of calling in sick to work
but no, no
finally I got out of the house and the truck was nearly out of gas
so I had to stop on the way
and I banged the door of the truck on the fucking thick iron bar, the painted one,
so you don't accidentally back into the pump,
and I'm standing there fucking pumping gas on fucking credit,
'cause it ain't pay day,
and worse, at fucking Mobil,
and I'm looking at the store window with the cigarette logos
thinking, at least I'm not doing that any more,
at least I've got that going for me
anyway, I realize this is all very, very small and petty bullshit
compared to the plights of most other people in the world
and worse, it's very boring,
but suffice to say, when I rounded the corner to this building where I work I was thinking,
boy, I wonder if anything is going to happen NOW
but all I'm doing is typing this crap out now and, frankly,
I'll take it.
but, no, shit is still off, shit still keeps happening
god damn
I thought I was over being neurotic like this,
but, evidently, no
not totally
and while I'm at it
there is nothing more annoying than a kid
who's a hunt-and-peck typist
who spends all day on the phone
and speaks with this forced, phony
"Bostonian" accent
worse, the dude is actually from around here
and he's affecting this fucking accent
and it just sounds like crap
Posted by
9:03 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
found one
Called my ace down in Gomorrah
He wasn't home so I spoke
to the machine
Said, how's things at Ground Zero
You're my hero
You should be in a magazine
Mental pictures, hard predictions,
how would I
have ended up?
But I knew
I'd had
Not cynical enough
to not want to hold
in the end,
but if I tell
the companion thoughts
I won't sound like a friend
Our generation's
tribal identity
is so much
smoke in a drain
Walking blues
is dead and gone,
so drive like rain
Posted by
5:42 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
I just ate some peanut M & Ms
but then I got the call saying that they were reincarnated souls
of clinically depressed 17th century nobles and thier ladies
and I was all, but that's just
then I placed the call to Facilities asking
why are they pumping this special gas into the central air system
that is making us all so groggy and dumb
and then a man came over with some jingoistic Marketing speak and I summarily decided right there I would jackknife his fucking tires
if given the chance
but then I got the call saying we are taking your fucking blog away on the grounds of you are a dumb ass
and I was all, "But can you translate that into dumb-ass for me?"
and then it occurred to me that while all reading this will be looking through the window of my dullness
no one will be placing the call for the bricks
and then I was all,
Ah, shit, Vincent, you're going to have to amp up your damn game your ownself, and even then
your outcome is uncertain
And then I read this and I was all,
yeah, but if this is true (and it is) then we're all fucked anyway
but then this other part of me was like,
Yeah, but that's why
Posted by
1:36 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2003
cheap beer in a green can @ 10:08 a.m.
saw a female deer this morning
floating angular just beyond the pine trunks
in a neighbor's yard
this morning also smelled a creek
running deep and low far below the culvert
canopied with wet new green leaves
it smelled charry beer-like
the way I remember these creeks
smelling 19 years ago
when I was as much a kid
thanked the wet mist sweet May
morning air for the thousandth time this
season for the revelation of oxygen
in absence of
mass accursed
though all the news in the world this morning is bad bad bad
with evil is afoot in the land
heavy and strong
much, and perhaps a little worse, than
it always has been,
the secret the Evil Men don't know
is that their rule is not
and neither
need it be
Posted by
9:12 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2003
I'm feelin' a little listy today.
Top Beers of Late
Beck's (Light or Dark)
Dos Equis (Clear or Amber)
Michelob Light
Rolling Rock
Bass Ale
Coors Light (hot days, outdoor duty)
Pabst Blue Ribbon (ditto)
Miller High Life (bottle, ditto)
Next Behaviors to Curtail
Morning Irritability
General bullshit-intolerance
Covert ambition
Total Ambivalence
Drunken yelling
Most Hated Cliches
"It's time to pay the fiddler."
"You snooze, you lose."
"Five finger discount."
"With liberty and justice for all."
Posted by
11:57 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
the drawback of deferred honesty
the ineptitude of hostility
hard dark chitinous kernel in the head
the laziness of waiting and seeing
treading in thick dark green water
in the stasis chasm
empathetic dream hands driven through
and nailed to a plate
with rail spikes of unchecked black hole cynicism
what's on the other side?
I had a vision of the Buddha once.
He came back and started eating people.
I was stuck on Greyhound in Wilkes-Barre, West Va,
but I heard you all screaming via
my cellphone
Posted by
9:13 AM
the power of realizing Monday is a holiday
the power of thereby deciding to take a vacation day Friday
the power of iced coffee
the power of my boss is working at the other location today
the power of thinking these fuckers up in here are all basically long as they stay away from me
the power of Sox beat Yankees 10 - 7, and are again tied for first in the A.L. East
the power of David Ortiz breaking it open in the 7th
the power of it looks like it might rain today, but that's fine with me, because it makes it easier to subsist in here
the power of not thinking about what they're doing to our country
the power of the quitmeter
the power of oxygenated blood
the power of dopey poetry
Posted by
7:55 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
There is regret, and there is potential regret.
He called himself Roy. He was unburdened by any sense of morality or conscience.
His partner, similarly unburdened, called herself Annabelle.
Their symbiosis - how they came to be, how they found each other - is one story.
Suffice to say, though, that their moving that summer into the rental townhouse immediately next door to people as fundamentally naive and curious as Marnie (a sheltered past) and her boyfriend Steve (hail fellow, well met!) was equivalent, in potential disaster, to a target shooting range being located right next to a golf course.
Facing it.
Overlooking it.
Posted by
9:56 AM
Monday, May 19, 2003
The Zen of Oh crap, maybe the problem is me.
The Zen of Oh crap, maybe the problem is me.
But just remember: you know what kind of maneuvers all the other motorists are apt to pull. And, well, here they all are.
Posted by
8:59 AM
Friday, May 16, 2003
And, oh yeah, this is what I meant by "the world's major malevolence."
Posted by
10:21 AM
too much god damn chattering bullshit up in this big re-conditioned
motherfucker this morning
i want to be home with the 3 cats and our getting-out-of-hand lawn which is like the best rough field you ever saw
i am glad i am relatively distant from the world's major malevolence but god damn
i want the cool air like water on the skin and the smell of blooming gentle violet and white lilacs in the nose and throat,
not this nothing carpet smell
and i am so tired of listening to the fake, devastatingly boisterous chatter and yammering of these picayune ass farmers around here
i command all of you to read fucking Catcher In The Rye or do something or just shut up
it does me no good to splash around in my little puddle of venom
better to be on the water, trying for fish
tomorrow morning is Saturday morning when we shall drink a Bloody Mary or 3 and then hie to the river
where the cold bass
lurk and dart,
dark and true
Posted by
8:46 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Twin fish
like sunburst alabaster hands
dart and cut
if you want, scroll to the very bottom and regard the Stratocasters
Posted by
11:54 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
no, no, no. that's not what I meant at all.
It was nourishing a sense of deeply covert catatonia.
It was sublimely mediocre Chinese food.
It was a widely publicized picture of gross cellulite on celebrity booties.
It was the feeling of spontaneous onset of clinical depression engendered by entering any of the "-mart" stores.
It was a fussy little man (a "Marketing" personage) waxing his teal blue BMW motorcycle in its parking space in front of his condo.
It was that same man mincing down the street after a "really great" first date unexpectedly having his fucking head bounced off a plate
glass window and then him falling down and losing conciousness as his head hits the edge of the fucking curb all because some big
drunk asshole, perpetually enraged because his girlfriend will fuck anyone, doesn't think he likes the fucking looks of him.
It was the podiatrist greeting you with a meat cleaver.
It was laughing at the bar before getting hit in the temple by a stray dart.
It was skin shavings in the Thanksgiving gravy.
It was a dead fish in your mailbox.
It was a new wife fisheyeing the mailman.
It was warts on your dick.
It was "Jarts" - from conception to final, horrifying lawsuit and settlement.
It was everyone's genitals blithely sailing along at 35,000 ft.
It was a $300 handjob that everyone gave themselves.
It was the calculus of road rage.
It was a rabid fox on the fairway.
It was crusty residue on your last clean shirt.
It was a misdemeanor committed in a public restroom.
It was whatever the computer said.
It was you sitting and suddenly feeling you might cry watching a developmentally disabled woman with purple sacks beneath her eyes cleaning and re-cleaning and re-cleaning again the drink station at Burger King.
It was a man with a car for every mood pretending he thinks he's level with you.
It was persisting in its cubicle, wondering how long it could continue to get away with it.
I take it out to the parking lot and slap the fuck out of it like a bad movie of brutal losers and their loudmouthed wenches hanging out at the local bowling alley
and still it grins gamely up at me
Posted by
12:35 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Future Google searches I will own:
in public apply company defibrillator to own head
suck own arm nutrients
fill with pee too lazy to get up
cynicism overload jerk-off Golem
dark rough outlandish bullshit
semaphore ocean hand quest
Posted by
3:12 PM
Dept. of Low Cry Emissions
I encountered the new guy in our company commode, clenched before the urinal, emitting a low, continuous cry.
"Hey, fucker," I said. "What's dope on the porno-scope?"
He moaned and gestured down with his free hand to the blackish clot of seeming fish guts and human gristle he'd drawn from his open zipper.
"Yo," I said, clucking my tongue, "It happens."
Mounted above the row of urinals, marquee lights flashed in a ring around a banner-sized, beatifically smirking portrait of our corporate commander-and-cheiftain.
The new guy's slick, balding pate gleamed sickly in the reflection.
"What about my family?" he whined, yanking at the sorry, bleeding, runny mass hanging from his pants like a crushed fistful of earthworms. "What about my unborn kids?"
"Dude!" I snapped. "You're spattering the floor!"
The new guy just gaped.
I thought of the Martha Stewart Living Camp Hatchet lying in my file drawer since last year's X-mas party, a gift from my secret Santa.
"You better not look in my eyes," I said. "You better not look in my fucking eyes."
He whimpered something. I wasn't listening.
My supervisors had been on my ass about kill counts lately.
Posted by
7:38 AM
Friday, May 9, 2003
this morning
mental paralysis,
reductive mobility,
games of such,
a need for coffee,
preferably iced
It wouldn't be so bad in here
if we could just open the windows
but that ain't how it works, now, is it?
the hidden orgasm of the world
bombing down the freeway
of everyone's
one shining chance for glory
like a Mack truck
on fire
If I can just find the time
(you will see)
I will be that blood-covered
one standing
in slick
over the fresh-killed foe,
gore drooling
from the tip
of my broadsword
all a motherfucker wanna be
is paid,
Or if none
out of three,
still OK
Posted by
7:45 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2003
My Country 'Tis Of Thee
Posted by
2:55 PM
Monday, May 5, 2003
"In the mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men." - Daniel Webster
Can no one realize?
Can no one see?
The Old Man, weary of artifice,
has now drawn his cloak.
Now see here the thievish visage
and mask of the paladin.
Now discern the monk's cowl,
the hood of the devout.
Understand the profound timing
of this transformation
if you would understand
these times.
And let it be said to corporate excrescence,
callow plutocrats masquerading as government,
who threaten to impose their cheap,
mawkish wills upon this still hallowed rock:
Do not.
The hand of God wreaks no abomination.
Know that His hands are not yours.
Posted by
10:25 AM
Sunday, May 4, 2003
then this happened
When I discovered
some Confucian analects
taking up residence
in my mesothelial cells,
what struck
was how the blazing yellow sun
of morning blew strange purple
all along the dewy grass
and ruined asphalt ways
of a particular street
and how this portended
sort of a cool
one I decided to
Posted by
3:03 PM
Friday, May 2, 2003
We are going
to the mountain,
and there
to drink
the magic
The sun that day
fell like heavy
rust on their bare
necks and shoulders,
as they sweated and swore
over that god damned ruined tire
and that god damned
ruined rim.
Her letter was the very
pentacle of distress,
like a blood-dipped
Chinese star.
Posted by
9:58 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2003
In an earlier, less doomed era, Kerry Leith Johnson, custodian of one dubiously refurbished, 2-tone 1972 Ford Ranchero GT, would've been the most feared power pitcher in baseball's Major Leagues - Roger Clemens on angel dust, high heat like a vendetta. As such, his interest and ability as an aficionado of throwing edged weapons including Chinese stars, or shuriken, was not unprecedented.
Posted by
12:16 PM