everything: a little off this a.m.
couldn't get comfortable in bed or fall asleep from 12:39 a.m. forward after missing the top of a thrilling 9th inning though the Sox eventually
lost on a shitty fucking call of ball when it was a strike
(and, oh yeah, to George Steinbrenner: go fuck yourself, old man. I waited on you once in New York so can personally
verify what a cocksucker you are. I hope you fall down and hit your fucking head on the sidewalk, bitch.)
couldn't get obscure, circular, useless, bizzare consideration of this stupid blog off my mind
was too warm in the sheets and residually angry at my female counterpart for foolish (I admit) reasons
and, oh yeah, heartburn was in heavy effect
finally fell asleep for some time, then my female counterpart arose first, which is rare, so I had to piss like the racehorse and
that was a piss deferred for some short, unbearable time
then the black German Shepherd wouldn't eat his breakfast
and wouldn't take his morning shit
all he wanted to do was gently sniff one of 13 freshly planted arborvitaes
which was fine
except it highlighted, for me, the increasing unruliness of the grass
but it's been rain rain rain
except this morning is beautiful
sunny, ripe
I suppose I should be happy the dog at least peed
then I took him for his walk
and, wouldn't you know, suddenly now I was all bound up with having to crap
but what can you do?
when we got back from the walk,
we had a round of cat chasing
the smallest one, Harley, taunting him from under the bed
not really taunting, just there, and he can't tolerate it,
not when in his crate, which is where I had to put him,
the better to go shit and shower
because at only a year he's still a baby
and would get into mischief
well, finally I was ready to go to work
but had to take that boy, I mean that dog
back out yardward for one last dance,
but again: no shitting, just the gentle sniffing of the
freshly planted arborvitae (one of thirteen)
and I had the thought of calling in sick to work
but no, no
finally I got out of the house and the truck was nearly out of gas
so I had to stop on the way
and I banged the door of the truck on the fucking thick iron bar, the painted one,
so you don't accidentally back into the pump,
and I'm standing there fucking pumping gas on fucking credit,
'cause it ain't pay day,
and worse, at fucking Mobil,
and I'm looking at the store window with the cigarette logos
thinking, at least I'm not doing that any more,
at least I've got that going for me
anyway, I realize this is all very, very small and petty bullshit
compared to the plights of most other people in the world
and worse, it's very boring,
but suffice to say, when I rounded the corner to this building where I work I was thinking,
boy, I wonder if anything is going to happen NOW
but all I'm doing is typing this crap out now and, frankly,
I'll take it.
but, no, shit is still off, shit still keeps happening
god damn
I thought I was over being neurotic like this,
but, evidently, no
not totally
and while I'm at it
there is nothing more annoying than a kid
who's a hunt-and-peck typist
who spends all day on the phone
and speaks with this forced, phony
"Bostonian" accent
worse, the dude is actually from around here
and he's affecting this fucking accent
and it just sounds like crap
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Posted by
9:03 AM
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