Tuesday, January 13, 2004


my head is a crust

my blood a ruse

my beard a wallet

for this bullshit mouth


it was words off the cusp

now I have to go back and ask

why a crust?

why a ruse?

It's not a crust at all. But the time today makes it feel like one

It's not a ruse at all. It's the opposite of ruse. Which is why I call you thus


if I was alone

I would be drinking more

or would I be?

or would I be writing more

one thing though

if I was alone

I would be much more subject

to whims of my own insanity

instead of yours


one of those late 30's guys with nothing

not even self-respect

how did he come that far

oh fuck I could write that novel

but I hope my time now is a torpedo

toward the opposite
