Tuesday, January 6, 2004


after the last critical infusion of bullshit is when my shit really started to get rolling. first i reinstated the pact with my main man DickChickenWarriorLiarShitHeartfromHell (of humanity undisclosed)

i told him always be true to me and i will not let you down. now bring it on. in response he quietly slipped a razorblade into a child's milkshake. then a handful of snot massed blood

and what looked like brains. some say brains look like gray jelly. but not American soldier brains. they look like apple pie a la mode except the ice cream is black and comes from under a desert

then he (DCWLSHFHOHU) snarled and then i knew it was the time. so i went to the craft

in my action suit with codpiece and i did some deck maneuvers and then i said they all died for freedom the great uh yeah whatever I mean I fuck you now asswise with my hands and then i want this shit put on tv right away with a sign behind me saying. and I want

the cash from some tax cut rolling into an electronic account. on the Street, bitch. in a Red State. oh i'll take the nifty fifty million billion year and dollar annuity for me and all my friends. and all your grass i'll take that and then an elderly person will love me some more. and the motherfucking

banal telepathy of stupidity i'll take that too like I take your Media, bitches

(who cares what you think?)

yeah bitches, I point my finger,

you piss

your pants. simple. I point

and you


[No fucking way, McSatan.

You kneel, Presta-Tex.

You fucking kneel.]