this is how we do
Man Above sets upon his nightly rounds
just beyond the lip of the horizon,
his long red breath shuddering out to end in purple celestial among first stars,
while in the short time below he sets fire to the future,
makes the pink wind
blow again up over cold tops of black pines,
while ahead the kidnapped sun flees
leaving only old wind to crush her gold end embers
like fire gnats peeling off the cherry from a smoke,
white remnants of herself winnowing
sharp and flat into fading but still
obtaining icepack,
then it is that the grey higway becomes my diorama
and I slide back through black ice mirage
even as I go forth, a player again in the drama,
tales beckoning still as the road shall beckon,
always the black miles falling back into each other,
other miles rolling out red, dark as blood
Later in a tavern,
I take smoke in
codify my drinks,
and prepare
stay awhile
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Posted by
10:58 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
another stupid song of mine that you'll never hear. you can guess the chords
Myrmidon: 1. one of a legendary Thessalian people accompanying Achilles to the Trojan War 2. a loyal retainer or attendant 3. a follower or subordinate who unquestioningly or pitilessly executes order: HIRELING
I crouch in the grass
As the crows circle high in the east
Up for sale here
I bet you can't have me
Easier to be simplehearted
If I was only simplehearted
If I was only simplehearted
be so easy
be so easy
Bet you can't have me
I'm unimpressed here
It was all to the good
It was good for a while
I had some good ideas
But I was such a great liar
Posted by
10:01 PM
this blog is all over the place
this blog is a dog on the couch where he knows he shouldn't be
this blog is facile like eggs
this blog is prone to lapses like any addict
this blog is better than TV
this blog is tempermental and lacksadaisical
this blog is written quickly while standing up and drinking a beer
Posted by
9:49 PM
Monday, February 23, 2004
lose lose
and I just want to gain
I want this fucking dog
to stop with the police bark
and I just want to gain
I am the last guy in the world to feel sorry for
and yet I just want
to gain
fucking A I didn't want to be drinking tonight
and yet I'm drinking again because
I just want to gain
and I got laid and and gave lay
last night; still I want
only to gain
I want to be better than I
am and manage
the gain
I drip in fast and loud
then disappear for days and
that's no way
to gain. I want no commentary.
Only a feeling. And that feeling
is to gain
I wish I could sit for one drink
with all of you and you all know
who you are
and though that would be no gain,
it would be some comfort,
and it would be some action,
some discreet action. I
am cool as the Parliament now and
dun as the red light
of twilight coming up over
rocks or stones of buildings. whatever
you see. But no,
I'm alone in my truck
and want
only to gain.
But there's nothing here,
no voice,
no sense, no chance
tonight. Nothing ventured,
Posted by
10:55 PM
Friday, February 20, 2004
get dumb discipline
it's been a weak week a week
of interior mumble-speak, a
leak week with a weak leak
of critique over the weak peak
of a week ago
get home in the eve and want to leave sleeve
on table but not able to weave leave
I grieve for the long eve the siege of the past
if I could last till 10 pm per diem of
bluster could I then muster a rate
of fate to eliminate this crate I'm faced with my
date with the desk. wrong desk, the cubicle
as usual and not even so bad but 10 times as bad
as what could be had if avoid 10 beers,
10 doubts, 10 fears
notes on a page
whatever, so you wasted
5 days
5 more come to play and remember
it's play
it's play
it's play
Posted by
9:05 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2004
some things change
other things never change
this is the entire basis of
the game
you can to choose what to do
perhaps even what you are
but not what makes you
what you are
the choice to work
or to not work
if you are an artist
is the brittle fence
separating the lepers
from the zombies
while here in Utopia
the choice matters
to few: not to the
dead, nor the poor, nor the ignorant, nor the rich & renowned
nor to the air
which surrounds you -
only to you. and
me. and him over there.
and her. and her too.
and that guy. and that one other guy
all you can do is work in the margins till
payday or lottery (amounts to same)
or no all you can do is work in the margins.
that's where all the interesting shit happens anyway
Posted by
11:30 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2004
I give you that
A canister or a balustrade or the text learned from ages
of being afraid I think we are closer to our native seeds than thought
friends thought once thought
I walked through some residual deja vu tonight, not for nothing. it's nothing
upon nothing to maybe move you or move me nothing moves me tonight but desire to see
my own come on the page that's head come, come
only no one can give me. and not even that. so often we reach
for sexual metaphors in absence of uh yeah but fuck it, been drinking steady tonight
like a pro and I find that, sure, resumption of smoking give a man more stamina
in matters of sack both drinking and dribbled; my girl's a good and a fine ass, leg, lip:
but I don't think she knows what I have to offer tonight. and I ain't wakin her up.
I'm going ice fishing tomorra A.M. and plunge my auger in ice
and there's no frustration here much, physical or meta-, that a Bloody Mary
two bong hits and friendship can't cure. this is how we do
here in the state of New Hampshire. And rarely advertised
thus. my guts full of Pandora I can only express rare and dread is
the thing I beat off. Fuck. Would have been better tonight to get into some
other head than mine. I got no tales of present intrigue. Don't want any.
Want to conflate. Want to tell you something you'd rather not believe
but have to. Or maybe I should just give every gory detail of every fuck
ever had and every fucked up time ever had. But no because then I'll start
wanting more. Hence this butt in this bloody hand and all of you who feel me
or who've ever felt or are so inclined toward such as one and etc.
know this: I was and am the best blues guitar player you'll never hear:
Long ago one sweet Liz lied abed it was Sat. morning and we'd just come together.
Click and Clack were on the radio. I plugged in my gray Strat
and played a few licks. She said, I love that, when you get that bad-ass look
on your face. You are a bad-ass,
aren't you? I said, I think
I might be a better guitar player than Eric Clapton.
She said,
well, let's not go
Posted by
10:47 PM
Friday, February 13, 2004
Momentarily you will learn whether this suspect is a threat to the United States. I was listening like a dumbass to CNN and got this title, Mr. Ashcroft
Red hands, red hands
blood on my knuckles
dry blood painted cross knuckles
past hand
past dry hand
best I can do
best I can do
picking at threads
one way or another
conflating my fate
(gotta win lottery)
the quiet times spent not drinking
a never cessation of boyish ways of
boyhood taking notation per
nightmare runes of self yet not
such nightmares of some
loss of depredation is
the song of a eunuch
in the tradition of the woods
of the woods
is thus: mnemonic understanding
of what wages
must be paid
mark the currency oh
and the currency is a wild
boast yeh
I mark you like a host
like a carnivore in exodus
most likely to seem yet I dream
and the dream is fervent,
heavy with past
inflection you see I carry this
mist off the highway south
and I can't remember the number
no wonder I was a white ghost
a host beneath lands of whoever
has most
and if wrist cramps up that's
when ramp up for real. I'm gonna steal
from the rapt gift and lift
from the highways the
High Way
second to none. except one:
that's me:
when I get free to flow
will know
and will she still
smell my smoke? don't know
still to write in the notebook
is the no-look
not trapped like last simply
trapped like past
yeh I'm trapped like gas
in an atmosphere
like fear
like dipshits young
like Jung in a post-Mod
and look why not?
be a Rook
on the board:
no sword just straight
at angles
like trees
like 45 degrees
I mean munchies
I got no trees
no smoke
right good
Posted by
11:18 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2004
everybody feels ambivalent about Raymond
the whiffle ball of his life began its declension thusly:
the edge of his olfactory perception
began to crumble and fester like vile asbestos from beneath walls
condemned; in short,
his sense of smell went gamy.
at a public cafeteria associated with the drab yellow box of a building
where he worked as a typist of various alphanumeric codes into various
incomprehensible computer systems, a short, grey-skinned cafeteria
doled him out a blob of mashed potato
and a stench hit him like a litter box,
like someone had dumped one on him, a full one.
he wasn't sure if it was her
or the food. he flinched, he pointed his glance
down on her, and her gums cracked open,
concupiscent and terrible, to hiss the words,
"cricket meal....bugssssssssssss...."
and the odor of that breath and of those words was the beery, pissed
upon odor of typically homeless individuals,
sick, befouled bodies sprawled upon concrete,
the odor of a man with a bleeding forehead on the ground smoking a
he picked up and lit off the ground and him down scrabbling and
reaching around
for his teeth, his busted state-issued spectacles, his dry pint of Zhenka.
and it too was the odor of the yellow, mouseshit-covered white keys of
an ancient piano in an abandoned church basement,
and also the odor of an improperly used condom slicked off hastily and
beneath a venereally infected, sexually victimized-turned victimizing
individual's grubby sneaker into a pile of char and cinders and
broken brown glass, and yeh it was the death smell of a cluster of dying
red sumac just beyond the pilings of a dead railroad by a broken brown
with a huge concrete pipe of offal emptying into it.
as she spoke the gray-skinned cafeteria lady's eyes dimmed out to black
like weak headlights fusing out on the last night of civilization as missles
start falling
and rioting convicts, freed, start burning front yards.
the other humans behind him in line at the cafeteria and seated
before thier trays of food seemed not to notice
any of this. shit, he thought, well, fuck,
May is as good a month as any for psychotic episodes.
I better get out to my car and smoke 3 filterless cigarettes.
He proceeded to the end of the line, dropped his tray in the trash
and soon enough walked out of the building.
To get to the store he had to cross four lanes of traffic.
Standing on the battered white stone median at mid-road
the exhaust fumes hit him, but the smell was the smell of the last
girl he'd worked on and took from behind in the manner of dogs. this
had occurred a while back.
too long a while back. she was from Quebec. he'd met her at party
at a friend's apartment. The friend was a white Jewish Rastafarian. He
fancied himself a percussionist but slung dope for a living. The friend
happened to live above,
I shit you not, a fish market, about 63 paces or so from the edge
of a tidal river on the North Shore of Massachusetts.
Danversport, Beverly. One of those towns. It might have been.
He wasn't sure of the name of the town. It was a lamely attended
party, at least by the time he got there. A Peter Tosh record was in the
CD player and blaring.
The RastaJew and three other young men sat apelike, passing spliffs,
congretgated around and totally consumed
by the violent colors and sounds of the dark urban rape-and-murder
fantasy emanating from a boosted X-box and a boosted Quasar 36-inch
television, all boosted from a local Wal-mart. No matter about the
plenty of employee hide to cut that shrinkage out of, and plenty more
where that came from. This was the white Jewish Rastafarian's take on it
at least. He was the most frivolous, deadly serious, utterly dangerous buffoon
our hero had ever encountered. Our hero owed him money, but only a
small amount. Our hero knew the friend kept a Glock 9mm and clips
stashed in a black nylon laptop computer tote also stolen from Wal-mart
and kept beneath a bed. Our hero also drove drunk occassionally, and
rationalized the risks thusly.
But the girl from Quebec. Our hero, by the name of Ray, ended up, as I've
mentioned, at this time in the past too long ago for his particular
self-esteem's tolerance, working on her privatalia from behind, in the
manner of dogs.
Her name was Manet. He didn't ask her about it, never even thought
about doing so. The Jewish Rastafarian informed Ray in between
mouthfuls of cold Chinese spare rib caked with that pink stuff as they
were both in the kitchenette standing by an open refrigerator that she was tripping on LSD,
mid-trip, about 4 hours in. She was drinking Seagrams
margarita-flavored wine coolers in the living room, chain smoking Camel
Wides, Unfiltered, and lying on her back on the dipiliatory dirty vanilla
shag carpet, staring at the whirling ceiling fan. She was wearing a navy
blue knit jersey with a hood and baggy black warmup pants. Her socks
had holes in them and were filthy.
What she and Ray shared was a total lack of interest in the video game
in progress, and also 3 bong hits a piece. Oh and they were some
crumbly, stankie trees up in that bitch. She found nothing he said
entertaining in the least. She called him "wigga." Her voice was hoarse
from the butts. Ray thought she sounded like the Canuck Joan Rivers.
He told her so. She responded that he seemed like the kind of person
who probably liked to be pissed on. Ray said, I'm not the one doing the
talking, you french bitch. It was a good move. She warmed to his
insults. He verbally abused her a bit more, but in a very low and as
tender a voice as he could muster. He was aware it was working. Their
conversation went on in this soft, foul, antagonistic vein for more than an
The video gaming went on and on. Drinking began. Ray swigged from a
bottle of cheap ass brandy he found in a cabinet over the RastaJew's
stove hood. He had no idea whose it was, didn't care. A couple people
left. Then after a while there was something happening in the apartment's bedroom that
Ray hadn't been included in. Manet had been though. Ray heard some
sounds. A thump, a peep, an exhalation. A groan. You can probably
guess. I don't think I have to spell this one out for you.
Ray was out of smokes. There were none around. He exited the apartment
and walked a mile and a quarter up the side of the road to the Packie. Bought a pack of
Pall Malls and a 40 of Bull Ice. Headed back down the road. Went up the stairs
past the fish market and back into RastaJew's hideout. The dudes had all
left. Manet was hitting that bong. Then after a while he was hitting her
from behind in the manner of dogs. The smell as he ground away was pretty hot and also not so
hot. She was not in fact particularly clean. It was sickening and exiting.
There was a fleck of some dun substance on the back of one of her thighs.
Nothing like this had really happened for old Ray. Few girlfriends
in college. Couple misty hookups after bars. But this was grotesque,
dramatic, really depraved. He felt so. It was the best lay of his life, hands down. He
made it through like a champ. He thought anyway. He never found out what
Manet thought. Never saw her again. Thought about her a lot after. But
I gotta get back to this narrative so you'll have to wait for what he
It can't be said that he never forgot that smell. He did. And remembered
it only now, standing on the white crumbled median with 4 lanes traffic whooshing past,
2 per side, opposite directions, on his
way to the store to
get guess what a pack a Camel Wides Unfiltered, on the day his
olfactory glands went inexplicably and indecently to game,
the day before the next day which was when shit really started to get weird
Posted by
2:22 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
look at me go
so I am writing now yeh I want to I got to
be a real writer now. and I was last night. and yow
it's going to take some time. you've pissed away enough years by
now so the feeling you want to elicit now is the way
you used to feel loitering in those artist's studios
where they let you play guitar and sing and sing you did
and drink you did and smoke you did
and this for the fear. but not too much now
or it'll hurt the work. but without it maybe
the work no gets done. so you use this as means
for a time
so last night I drank 11 of those damn Icehouse beers
yeh and 11 must be my limit because I woke up
face down on the couch and the dog was barking
at me from the kitchen. he'd scattered some plastic
grocery bags from the bag sock that hangs on a door knob
and he'd removed the tiny plastic plug from the small purple
squirt gun we keep by the sink for catfight prevention.
but he didn't chew the squirt gun and he didn't chew
any bags or anything so I got away with one. the time
was 1:38 a.m. I had long ago put the laptop away
but had already
written the poem below
the dog had to go to the bathroom like a mofo
so I took him out quickly and then realized I'd
forgotten to put on shoes but said fuck it so I walked
out in my socks. lit a butt. the dog squatted
and out came a lot. german shepherds as a breed
are notorious for their large, soft stools.
I went back in and made it into bed. overslept
till nearly 8 'cause my baby's away on a work
trip. made it in to my cubic hole by 9:30.
I am telling everything but what I came here to tell you
but now the Americans surrounding me are cackling and gamboling
away as usual causing me to reflect that it's no wonder
this country is so
fucked I mean talk about bad
administrative support
Posted by
2:20 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
shit I got multifarious dope pent up blog entries for you
my darling my newly arrived one
but I can't get my dumb USB jumpdrive to work so I just have to tell you
about the jumpdream I had last night
and now. let's not get crazy. I already consulted my Magic 8 Ball
and the answer was: Oh no I terribly don't think so
and this was good because in the dream
I was 50 lbs. too heavy as I am now
and just generally not so fly although the kicker is
I'm more the fly now than ever before but it don't matter now
because I don't leave the woods these days. and uh
you should've seen how I pictured you in the dream
I kept all day today trying to capture that passing seduction
the eye thing you said silently when you said My Good Brother
I knew then that you knew and you knew that I knew
it was a thrilling dream but quiet
the town we were in was big as you but bigger than me
but I think I had the dream as a welcome back for you
baby the very least I could do
the very least
Posted by
9:08 PM
Friday, February 6, 2004
Wednesday, February 4, 2004
benedict tao
are you gonna be sad when I go he said and I said
yes sir and he said that's good that's good
because you're
taking over
I pointed out how slim
my qualifications were
but then it was pointed out
that so too were Buddha's
but actually they weren't
but Jesus' were. but I wanted
no part of that legacy nor he
but then an aide
said something about pull a
Bushido or an Elliot Smith
but in the end I pulled nothing
and instead pushed some others
who loved
their country
and thus the bombs started
Posted by
8:27 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
this country is fucked finished and fucked
in the worst sense a date rape a date rape drug
you all are fucked,
ah god forbid you have a TV
god forbid you ah live ah here ah
woo boy a confederacy of cunt
dunces do not describe us
we are done we are done
can't you see
we are done for love of Uh
don't watch TV
or you will be of the dust
conclusion that We
Are Done
Abe L.)
Posted by
10:37 PM
we interrupt this loosely aggregated sense
of denial of torpor to bring you a mind
encased in deleterious human wax.
but you you just had nine hours of sleep fucker so you should be the game
yet lunchtime was a slick and soiled
bag of bile-soaked dope ticking for dark
masses recounted in white houses of shallow
bovinity post-post modernity and shit
his moms abused him because he was ugly
like she was too so go homeless till you
no go no more and no your life will not be
cast or a popular reality show
stupidity is the new chastity: remove plastic items
from penumbral orifices of elimination and reproduction
and fuck till blue.
fuck till blue,
fuck till blue.
yeah and
here's hoping
the next drink
is a good one
Posted by
12:48 PM