Friday, February 13, 2004

Momentarily you will learn whether this suspect is a threat to the United States. I was listening like a dumbass to CNN and got this title, Mr. Ashcroft

Red hands, red hands

blood on my knuckles

dry blood painted cross knuckles

past hand

past dry hand

best I can do

best I can do

picking at threads


one way or another

conflating my fate

(gotta win lottery)

the quiet times spent not drinking

a never cessation of boyish ways of

boyhood taking notation per

nightmare runes of self yet not

such nightmares of some


loss of depredation is

the song of a eunuch

in the tradition of the woods



of the woods

is thus: mnemonic understanding

of what wages

must be paid

mark the currency oh

and the currency is a wild

boast yeh

I mark you like a host

like a carnivore in exodus


most likely to seem yet I dream

and the dream is fervent,

heavy with past

inflection you see I carry this

mist off the highway south

and I can't remember the number

no wonder I was a white ghost

a host beneath lands of whoever

has most

and if wrist cramps up that's

when ramp up for real. I'm gonna steal

from the rapt gift and lift

from the highways the

High Way

second to none. except one:

that's me:

when I get free to flow


will know

and will she still

smell my smoke? don't know

still to write in the notebook

is the no-look

not trapped like last simply

trapped like past

yeh I'm trapped like gas

in an atmosphere

like fear

like dipshits young

like Jung in a post-Mod


and look why not?

be a Rook

on the board:

no sword just straight

at angles

like trees

like 45 degrees

I mean munchies

I got no trees

no smoke


right good
