Thursday, February 19, 2004

some things change

other things never change

this is the entire basis of

the game

you can to choose what to do

perhaps even what you are

but not what makes you

what you are

the choice to work

or to not work

if you are an artist

is the brittle fence

separating the lepers

from the zombies

while here in Utopia

the choice matters

to few: not to the

dead, nor the poor, nor the ignorant, nor the rich & renowned

nor to the air

which surrounds you -

only to you. and

me. and him over there.

and her. and her too.

and that guy. and that one other guy

all you can do is work in the margins till

payday or lottery (amounts to same)

or no all you can do is work in the margins.

that's where all the interesting shit happens anyway