Rafe Dubious: He left his amp at the loading dock and careened off in that white Nova of his. I didn't feel it was my responsibility.
Going backwards, he'd just staged a regular freakout on my couch. Well. Said he'd seen all this going down in a dream before. Well now.
All that last part, from the girl, even still he can't get it right. He attributes it to RachelWhere, but he's confused. That girl from the Higlands was KateyRed. Get it straight, Crombosis!
He rearranged everything in my studio
He drew on the walls
and I responded. in small writing, up in a corner
by the ceiling, I wrote "You are not so much"
KateyRed. she'd come by. to talk to me. about something he'd said. and it didn't matter what. I told her it was a lie. It wasn't my responsibility
I don't know how I got in here. I'm no friend of his. Fuck this
KateyRed: A few days after the fucked up night that began in the Highlands, he called me. He sounded scared. He asked if I would like to go out for a drink. If I would be interested. I was flattered. I said yes.
I met him at Rafe's studio. He was by himself. He met me in the parking lot and walked me in. This was in early November. The air was cold and sweet. It was just getting dark. The sky was turning purple.
He was a character. He was wearing a dark green dress shirt untucked, and jeans. And beat up dusty black leather harness boots. His hair - you can tell it'd been long and he'd chopped it back with scissors himself. He looked like a vagabond. Not a hipster. A vagabond.
I sat on the couch in the studio again. We talked. When he talked it was always something of the confessional. It warranted some friendliness. I smiled. He talked and talked. Then he played me a song he said he'd written that day. This was the whole reason for us sitting here, I could see. It was a ballad in G. His guitar playing was crude yet evocative. I told him I liked his song. I told him his voice sounded very...warm. I said let's get out of here.
We went to the bar with the wood floors and ship knick-knackery on the walls. We drank any number of Bass Ales. We smoked cigarettes. There were some friends of my ex-boyfriend at the bar. This I alluded to in my sidelong way. We were both buzzed. He got up and sat down again next to me on the bench on my side. It was a silly and awkward thing to do. I said let's get out of here. I said let's go to my place. I was driving, and I drove us back there.
Once inside we had glasses of wine. I gave him the tour. Even up the spiral staircase. He looked unsure in my bedroom. We went back downstairs. We listened to an old record by the Police. He sat very close to me and spoke quietly by my ear. I could feel his breath on my hair. I sat very still. He moved back and apologized. I said do you want to go out on the roof.
He stopped me in the doorway and looked very intense. He said some things I did not understand, could not have understood. Too much interior monologue leaking out. I got scared. I did not like it.
We went out on the roof though. It was very chilly. We talked some more and laughed at silly harmless things, goofs. I don't think he knew my heart wasn't in it.
I knew of course at the bottom of things he wanted what all guys want. I'd given that too many times before I felt.
Later in the car he told me that's all Rafe wanted, anyway. From me. I said well he's not going to. he can't have it.
But then later I confronted Rafe and he told me Cromby was not well in the head, and maybe dangerous. My source information seemed to corroborate this
I was very distraught when I left the studio after speaking to Rafe. As I was leaving I saw Cromby coming in. I stopped him and said, "You lied to me." He said, "No." And covered his face and went backwards.
Rafe was right there. He escorted Cromby in through the loading dock. What the fuck. Again I was scared, but more than that angry. I sped away. I just wanted to get out of there.
A few days later Cromby called my just before Thanksgiving. I wanted it to stop. I was tired of their bullshit. I wanted him to go away. And that is what I told him
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Posted by
9:21 AM
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