yeah yeah can you hear the voice can you hear the talking well her voice is prettier than mine you can have that if you want to but the real crux is her mind is prettier than mine too and it is a mind like that that reminds a mind like mine to focus on the voice of vincent. vincent. raw. raw like that other vincent reckon but not so nice as that broken blue and yellow skybird schizophrenia of his mine is gray dun like the smoke when it comes out the lungs yours the lungs mine wine I need wine well how about a light beer say maybe a Coors seems apropos
I need a career path I need a bath I need some blow I need a blow job I need the knob replete with the jism of when you back away from schism of herenow rightexactlynow all you know all you see have seen have said said said right now I said right now I'll leave you in a beat. and not one from my heart. no. one from my sensibilities my sense of dramatic task my past but subtle way beyond yelling so you can't feel it no you can't but someone can others can have nope fuck what's the value of interior monologue it's that you just say. I read one blog today.
i say now call this one two fish one I'll never see one I've seen too much
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Posted by
9:31 PM
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