Wednesday, June 30, 2004

shit haven't lifted weights it's edging up to a month now and think I might be losing it, strength seeping out of me. man, if I was only ripped up like my dog and as fast as he who is a 68 lb. black German Shepherd they'd shower me with money honey and I'd be intimate with your saliva

reeling this out from my cubichell because idiots are on vacation this week and as such me here now considering staging a diveout around noon. just got a call from my old fieldbrother lettin me know fishin could indeed have been on the agenda today but it was an elusive plan have to wait till tomorrow I hope

(the diveout however is a nascent plan devoutly held)

have been having precious little fun lately. my neighbor hates my dog. i live right on top of the fucker. he stands on his deck and glares at my girlfriend. mind you, we are considerate as can be with the pooch and barking ie not letting the occurrence obtrude or prolong. never mind, the issue is that the dude is a type A anal retentive fucker and those people well they're out there and they are your enemy.

the canine hating and the glaring is becoming oppressive. i hate to admit it. it is really a small thing. it's brought out the old me: last night I muttered "cocksucker" just beneath the audible, lit a butt like throwing down my muddy glove and gave that fucker a hard look. bitch was watering his lawn. what a picayune nightmare. i don't suppose he heard me not necessary just wanted to give him the diorama: the hate is mutual, you douchebag. you want brotherly love you got the wrong drone, Chad

troubles at home last night half-drunk and not in fact yelling I told her I was pretty much sick of the constant tension whining complaining. leave it to me to lather up a passive aggressive. I'm like nutrition for unhappiness. she wants to move. we've been looking. met with the realtor. what a pain in the ass. i could in fact move. our house ain't that great. wonder what i'd be doing if I was single. never had much luck single either. i'm sure I'd be in bars? maybe not. maybe not now.

anyway, all 4 of you, now you can see why I don't usually do the regular thing here. Que pinchi pene. Now back to our irregularly scheduled mania.