Tuesday, December 9, 2003

this one here don't belong here. belongs at drunken phone calls. but Blogger won't cooperate. I have this cached and don't want to lose it. so here it is

Post Date: Tue Dec 09, 09:36:50 PM

man why would a motherfucker ever even post here read here well this is the runoff for MC I mean Mott Cromby I mean Matt Chained I mean time to crack another Labatt's


did it down one sip

Howard Dean or Wesley Clark is youR watchword and key

enough of that

I am taking tomorrow off to do X mas shopping yay

hopefully tie one on later in the day what better to do on a day off

I can't figure out why motherfuckers don't comment on my real blog

except it's I'm emptying my heart everytime and by definition

you do that shit in America and the fuckers hate you

and here's some real heresy: I used to work up in WTC 1 2 etc.

Not everyone who died up there was a saint

but they were all uniformly a lot better or at least more innocent than the shills paymasters fools plutocrats fanatics and dickheads who put that terrible day in place

every so often there's another terribly clear blue sky day in the East makes you think of that day

and then ever so often there is a beautiful day in America make you think of when you could be proud of your damn country

that's been stolen.

let's take it back assholes