Monday, November 10, 2003

This blog is going down.

I am going to kill the fuck out of this fucking blog.

This blog just received a letter via certified mail, and that letter said in effect your fucking time up in this bitch is UP, motherfucker. Please report tomorrow a.m. to courthouse square for reassignment. Please do not ask questions. Any questions you ask can and will be used to fuck you the fuck up

This blog, many years in the future, will be the subject of a a morbid documentary where the path of this blog is traced right up to its final doom seated in a harshly lit bare kitchen black and white checkerboard floor and the big knife drawn cruelly casually across the blogs neck and the matter of fact spatter of the bright red blood on the checkered floor in the hard yellow light

this fucking blog is so fucked, it's fucking done. this blog

is seated outside on a bench in 20 degree weather wishin for 50 cents for a cup of coffee

and it smells like piss

and little does it know it's going to freeze under the bridge tonight and die in its sleep

and no one will care or cry for it

this dog aint gonna find no mongrel dog to keep it company either before it goes, that's

how fucked this blog is, this blog

is fucking doomed,

fucker is going down.

this blog is the yellow powder and the prisoner forced to consume it,

then eat his own guts out his own anus

stricken with disease and as it goes into the rigor

it's still alive, too alive to actually pass on and then it realizes that this must be hell

in pain forever

this fucking blog, too bad, you could have had it all, you could have been a star

but no, you're just a dumb douchebag with a steak knife sticking out of his solar plexus what a way to go

you dumb fuck.

this blog is fucking done, had it. that's it. it's a
