boy that is some pussy shit I just wrote next time I will tell you of the bars I got thrown out of and other nefariousness
I did fucked took punched left gave had left reeled slept stole had stolen
you would not be impressed but still in the end I never fuckin cried just panicked or else didn't
in the end I never fuckin cried just panicked or else didn't
I once had a opportunity to dump a hot steaming shit meal into the lap of George Steinbrenner no shit
and truly
no shit I wish I had I totally wish I had I wished I'd scraped his fuckin head with my hangnail
and another time I coulda kicked Donald Trump in the junk and why the fuck didn't I????
I'll never get the chance again.....
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Posted by
10:58 PM
so I left. drove off for NY that morning of the high white end December sun
and it was cool. Indeed it was. And not in the good way. I cried for about 10 miles
then settled down. Into the drive. Finally in spitting snow the buildings and signs visible
on the West Side Highway looked like home.
I took the blue car to a parking garage on the upper west side I just happened to find
one of any. left the bags in the car and hied my 175 lb. ass up to the address my friend
Zee had given me. Spanish Harlem. Columbia side. no fucking sweat thanks to bill clinton and giuliani. and my friend Zee he of the fucked up Midwest late times America African American ethos.
and all that that entails. to you I mean to you.
fucking tiresome them times and yet it was a Specific Time
2 days next to the first fucking day of that year
boy who got rich that year it wasn't me or millions else but
it might have been you if you were there fuck
yow now that I'm writing I'm remembering way too many details to suffice for a succinct and crunchy
little blog poem
but suffice to say that the whole initial time partially involved wood floors, sleeping on them, the constant TV feeling like it was somehow more significant, music,
smoking American Spirit Lights the light blue pack by the open window, bottled European beer, someone else's food
that they cooked, being surrounded suddenly by lots of homosexuality because my boy Zee was a switch hitter and his boy
who lived there just took the pitches. but I didn't care. I had other fish to fry.
like getting as drunk as possible. and seeking my time - ha. i would see the death
of yet another guitar
yeh like I said the fucked non-need of feasting emblazoned on something cold was them times oh
what litanies of drunken times and nights and cocaine yes and cigarettes and what a loneliness, crippling,
just like someone or two or 9 or how many more had told me it was going to be just like they told me
that place
would be
Posted by
10:31 PM
just after I left NY I said to my Dad regarding motherfuckers living in NY I said Hey if you want to live at Ground Zero for the Apocalypse be my guest. I'll be out in the woods waiting for you fuckers to come running. OK, I didn't say that last part but I did say it all around June 2000.
But we live in an age of glib facile and bullshit prophecy. Take a look around you.
I wonder what would happen if I got 2 reptiles to keep in a tank and named them Jesus and Buddha. Nothing I guess. I'm not a reptile guy I'd probably ignore them
I'm a canine guy and I
hope I get born again in the days when sentient dogs rule the earth
(bound writers of the earth drink my 70 proof piss water if you want to gain flow. my seal is the seal of cyber and you will never touch or get close to my throat fucker unless you start your own come on come on come on
Posted by
8:55 PM
I never should've gone to New York
I remember the morning I left
high white sun a warm
last December day like
loading my guitars and bags into
the back and trunk of a blue Corolla
my Mom crying as I drove away; in some sense
begging me to stay though not saying
but there had been weeks before the whisky night
in our old damp basement and me puking later in bed and her
cleaning it as I smoked a bitter cigarette on the small front
porch. Muttering. I was full of hate. And
it was for myself. I'm reaching back
beyond the beginning but I'd been
busting for a year selling shoes at JC Penney
in the mall. yeh
God, I'm reaching back too far because
the story I want to tell is why I never should've
gone to New York.
All day today I've been wanting to cry and it's been
based in love and love is what we all need
and also what breaks us and this constant breaking
is what makes us whole
and human and this why I went to New York
and also why I never should've. and
also why I left.
I remember a day many months and in fact years
after I'd gone to New York I stepped outside
Grand Central onto 41st or wherever the fuck
and I realized the evil whole.
The thing that feeds ablaze on cold America.
The emptiness. The non-need festering.
I think it was then I knew to leave though it took me months;
an eviction and 2 more fucked seasons
down the street and on the sidewalks to tell.
No not to tell. It's taken this long to tell.
And this, a poor telling.
I'll save the best for later. At least
that's what I say
Posted by
8:43 PM
Sunday, December 28, 2003
mull it
best thing i can do is please ask you to forgive
the time and beauty i failed to give you and i
suspect a penitent is one thing i can be one
role i can play
his song is so bright and mine so shy
mine so mind mine is so why mine is so
and bye and
and so i drink
yes i drink
to think
to feel the brink to ride
upon the brink i don't care what
you think unless you think like me
then i think you might see
what i love
Posted by
10:28 PM
before, again
of the house
in the ground
look at the
the berm or
to the
Posted by
10:20 PM
Friday, December 26, 2003
i never i had nothin until i promised you
i never would ask but take i
will for love of you yes
for love of you. i
pause in the
half voice
you've faced
i've faced
you i
i had to do
in the hall
your test
Posted by
6:21 PM
so low the needle
in face of trenchant joys
problems no problems
chiaroscuro joy
no joy yet some
Posted by
6:13 PM
Monday, December 22, 2003
war crib
what is so affecting about how a man of your stripe
must comport himself in this wretched age of crime and pain is
fuck it though Fido. create instead
for yourself a fictional alter-ego and live through that.
him. it. act through him
but I thought that's what I was doing see
even though I'm half drunk I'm still shit lucid,
the glib demeanor of the monk
gone north, to the mountains,
the barbarian dwellings. I got a brother
lives up there he's better than me.
fucks all the fillies. sometimes
2 at a time. but nobody
trusts him. that's a lie. they
all do. nobody knows how he's profiligate.
or say few do. he
hides it well.
that part of his life is important
only to him. me, I drink. not
he's got physical gifts. he's cunning whereas
I am paranoid. but he dreams only
at night whereas my
prophecy rips me apart
as well as others.
they called me a sorcerer, a wizard.
they would. if only
they knew the words
and had
any imagination.
they have none,
so I'm termed a felon.
pay it no mind. I keep
no gun
yet I'm way
this is how
my tale begins:
Posted by
11:05 PM
Friday, December 19, 2003
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
crawford arsenic pie
good bye
i killed myself last night
and got reincarnated into a
pesky chow
now then. and after
a white trash beetch
fuckin whapped me
with a cinderblock
till ah got crushed and bled.
the year was 3009
and I got immediately reincarnated
as a rich man's bank account
as a cunt
as a gun
as a hair plug
as menses
as a virus
that wipes out the rest of the species
and then after a million years I come back as a
radio frequency.
as it blares over the gang bang
bitches male and female start the slaugher
from fucking straight to cutting
murder so fresh it seem
like a game
a jerk off
a face shot.
and every fiend
all jokes
like there's no God and
no tomorrow;
there aint.
it's a fucking Hell
on earth Mr. President
courtesy of your God the
Posted by
9:30 PM
here you go cup of insanity baby
Carmen told a friend she thought I was too intense
i should have loved you becky when i had the chance i should have insisted you dance
eat the dream roots then lie sodden on the lawn
2 months out from being gone and a wetter
June never seen
the last time I was supposed to see him I got drunk in the city and never made it back across the river
I'd contact him but I'd be afraid he thinks I own him money
I woke up seated on a stoop and my Gibson was gone. I crept back to my room in early piss light to lie like a prisoner on my floor
both of his parents were dead. his brother lived uptown and i think slung drugs. his sister in Canarsie was sane but cruel
we blundered into this bullshit club i half knew about wanting trees and it was so thick and queer dangerous there he finally had to ask if I was gay. I said no, just stupid
Irene Irene I probably could have had you you used to listen to me sing and you so smart. and so sick
the gave no class on depravity. it's shit some fuckers are just born with. when you encounter these fiends stay away from them
for a couple of years there I guess I wished to lose my way.
we haven't really spoke in years. sad when friendship becomes relic
what if what if you could go back and do things differently oh yeah. but you can you can
Posted by
2:33 PM
Monday, December 15, 2003
slummin a bit lately
smokin a butt here and there
will have to quit anew and religiously again come Jan. 1
will have to slip my boy the J-dog a fin
for the smokes I keep bummin
slummin a bit lately
it perhaps is OK to smoke occasionally if it is very seldom,
but better just not to.
Canadian whisky. you mix it with water from the Brita
pitcher and about five ice cubes and it goes down so nice.
but don't have more than 2. don't want to get dangerous
bunch of snow out there. shitty sleeting now and freezing shit
I don't want to be here.
I want to be out
slummin some more
but I guess work will pass.
have to see how far I can get.
I've had dreams lately of writing 2-3 pages a day
that and some poems might get me through
I been having some disturbing dreams lately too but
I don't want to get you down with them
don't want to get myself down
besides, the antecedents of these dreams are all very clear
and so there is comfort in that
might have to continue in this vein later
and by that I mean uh
Posted by
10:57 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
a sensible peace
centered like physics
like a jousting game
or else a game with a ball
we love we
the least I can do,
field brevity
and allowances
cards -
a deck
of them
is the mind.
what's implied
is fancy,
what is
is height as
a cold edge as
of ice,
lust formed,
a skate
on a
contortions. of rage?
nope. just
Posted by
9:53 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2003
this one here don't belong here. belongs at drunken phone calls. but Blogger won't cooperate. I have this cached and don't want to lose it. so here it is
Post Date: Tue Dec 09, 09:36:50 PM
man why would a motherfucker ever even post here read here well this is the runoff for MC I mean Mott Cromby I mean Matt Chained I mean time to crack another Labatt's
did it down one sip
Howard Dean or Wesley Clark is youR watchword and key
enough of that
I am taking tomorrow off to do X mas shopping yay
hopefully tie one on later in the day what better to do on a day off
I can't figure out why motherfuckers don't comment on my real blog
except it's I'm emptying my heart everytime and by definition
you do that shit in America and the fuckers hate you
and here's some real heresy: I used to work up in WTC 1 2 etc.
Not everyone who died up there was a saint
but they were all uniformly a lot better or at least more innocent than the shills paymasters fools plutocrats fanatics and dickheads who put that terrible day in place
every so often there's another terribly clear blue sky day in the East makes you think of that day
and then ever so often there is a beautiful day in America make you think of when you could be proud of your damn country
that's been stolen.
let's take it back assholes
Posted by
9:52 PM
Monday, December 8, 2003
the elements
the soiled elements which comprise a past
are a mask.a transparency. a diagram. a mute
mononucleosis of need and rage. and clarity.
ellipses follow. drinking now and yes I will
continue to drink until the story be told
and with honesty plausible. no dramatic curve
exists except what's inveighed or imbued
the topographies of thought and emotion
are not neat. both require a voice. and one more
than just, say, this happened today and then this
and this happened. all my thoughts now
are of stories past; time is the iron
that binds all wounds
I wrote a song once saying as much. there's
another poem there: the genesis, conception,
life, death and memory of such a thing. I could
sing you a song now but you can't hear it. but
can you hear me
I said to her, I have no greater essence
than what I give here. we were in her green
Bronco parked by the canal. or else safe
backstage, with piano, guitar. or else
lying upon shingles under December gray sky
and afraid to touch hands. someone gave an awkward
pat. it was you
we were walking then close by in the snow snow falling
as we left the mall lot and we close God what warmth ah God
all good got flushed to Hell
before I knew what had gone
Posted by
9:00 PM
where my boys at?
a culpable thing is happiness
a theiving moment
dusk over water, gold-brown water
or else a timeless scene in a culvert
a stagnant one, one slated for demolition
vis a vis and pending
some fucked airport construction
I was insane on the bus
someone said later I stood on a seat
and proseltyzed -
I always knew I had nuts.
Big ones. I should have been a brawler
a loudmouth I should have fucked shit up
in the days before -
it's impossible to view an airplane now
as anything other than a death vessel dream
like dreams I used to have in Brooklyn of fire craters mayhem
but those weren't prophetic. spend some time in Brooklyn
if you can't feel me. vodka in a blue bottle. some fucked
puerto rican kid trying to lure me to the ATM - take out all your money -
spend it on girls - he crazier than I in his junkie garb. you,
motherfucker, are going to die trying -
happiness. here now gone. I see some everytime it snows.
and I mean bad.
drink a beer out there in the shelter. but I get so sad when the sun
comes back
Posted by
12:39 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2003
today yawns out
I wish I were sitting wrapped in a blanket,
stone awake and with all the prospects
assembling themselves ahead
with no extra effort from me
silly silly dream
yawns out
the party crashes
having to drive
numb my head
casual clothes
hang tight
for the booze o rama
the harmless deprived depraved
I wanted to do better for you
today yawns
Posted by
2:48 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2003
whole day sad
deep night
rubella sky
the blast furnace of forever, now silent,
lurks, a yellow envelope. yellow as a foul tooth,
it creeps at the horizon
toward which I've been training my spotlight
(it red as blood, never yet rubies).
now time though
to train it
upon my
chattel self
need to get more insomniac
need to cultivate the darkness hours
or else need to get more covert in daylight
like I am now
need to sleep less
or need less of something anyway and more
of something else
keep thinking of cigarettes
I remember when I used to think mania was something to be cultivated
that's when I really began to hit smoking and drinking hard
a cathartic sense of self
need, I suppose, to channel this addict's personality and sensibility
into the rush of art making
yeah, fuck, why not say it again and you know who you are if that's
what you been going for
man I would start smoking again if I lived alone and just didn't give a fuck but giving a fuck
I suppose is what reels one back in from the precipice where insanity
stops being a cool game you think you're playing with the world and instead
starts to eat you
like so many things in the world will eat you and ultimately destroy you,
insanity, as insidious as complacency & comfort
a finger trembling toward
the hard face of the monk,
and he
a drinking monk,
prone to rage
don't be afraid I will wait for you
Posted by
8:21 AM
Tuesday, December 2, 2003
call me negativity jones no - no
breathe deep and let it all go in four and by six all the fire is gone
and gone too the idea of firing a Camel hey fuck it I'll quit again - nope.
snowstorm, ok. yeh.
she almost had a meltdown on the road and I couldn't do anything to help.
except be cool on the call. ok, bye. she worked it out, someone came to help.
ok, bye.
man, i need a smoke. i mean the green kind. not now. one for later would be nice.
no chance. ok, i'll take a drink instead. a glass of beer. times 7. whatever. it's only 9:13 am
but the snow is so cool and white. and quiet. i wish i was out there right now. up home.
i bet a black german shepherd would rather play in the snow than remain upstairs in bed.
oh well. me too.
negativity. no, it's going away. just nothing, how's that instead. don't bother me.
tough one. it's an effort to be friendly. call me loath. it's not you, it's me. ok, it is you.
also me. tell you what, i'll shut up. you too though. they're bringing pizza for lunch.
big deal. i hate eating with an audience. they're fucking stealing our country. don't say much about it. believe it or don't. they're bringing pizza for lunch that's all we care about. boy is
that fun. and the traffic was so bad. it is so snowy out.
what next what next what next
Posted by
10:17 AM
Monday, December 1, 2003
his first day on the job
a man came up to me at my desk and asked what is the reason for x y and z
and I as I took a sip of Diet MakeNoEyeContact told the mofo his game was a baseless experiment I mean embarrassment I mean faceless faceless
your creepy grasping is hasp on my meta-flask Jasper you whiter than Casper
and so he took it upon himself to escalate this inquiry up through a channel
I looked up at the drop ceiling above me and saw all the other channels up there shimmerin and languishin and I told him
sonny boy if it'd been even a few short months ago I would've entertained a violently ambivalent fantasy
over you as in push your fuckin face into the copier and blast fax your face to the RNC under the subject re: put a apple in its ass and call me on Easter love, Satan and your continuing part in all of this is not quite your fault though not quite mine either & etc. etc.
but as it is I have graduated to the level of "Player" hahahahahahah
by which I mean to say that I am entertained by and am entertaining none of it this you etc.
and I never did many things heretofore never knifed a tire
never poked a Latina even though she lay in red thong underwear on my Brooklyn floor
never gamed up in the dorm rooms way back when when I should've and perhaps could've now
you just hunker down in your cubicle my dumb young friend and what amazes me about you people
is how unmitigated you all come through in your baseless optimism and arrogance it is
a nation of fools like you and yes me and that is the great undoing why
if I eschewed 11 beers etc. more often than not I'd be I was going to say some author of recent renown
to signify but no no
no I ain't your boss. but
I am the boss of this here middle phlangeee
(this is what I tell all the new people up in this motherfucker)
Posted by
2:21 PM