Been reading the stories of Raymond Carver again lately:
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Posted by
10:50 AM
Thursday, December 9, 2004
2. He is captivated by power and brilliance, so the Rat will always fall for the irresistible Monkey. He agrees with the clever Monkey's way of doing things and the Monkey, on the other hand, will be overjoyed to find the Rat on his own cunning wavelength.
4. The Rat will be enchanted by his ingenuity. They will recognize each other by the dollar signs in their eyes.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Friday, November 19, 2004
Saturday, October 23, 2004
bah. back here in the way back of huh what do I say
grey cool day
got my Shepherd here in the way back of 10 miles away from where
I sleep
most of the time
it's the day of the night of the first game of the World Series fuck it
Posted by
1:57 PM
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Friday, October 8, 2004
My head and my emotions are so fucked up at this point, I'll have no choice but to write novels.
The fog on the highway this morning was heavy and gold with sunlight. The twisting traffic on the road ahead streamed along under and through it, a manifestation of my many impossibilities, imagined and real
My thoughts and my feelings are so fucked up at this point, I'll have no choice but to show you a thing or two about who you are dealing with
but of course
Posted by
8:50 AM
Thursday, September 30, 2004
heavy-lidded remote manifestation, carnal
smoke dream. come here. the midnight console
lights dim and sultry as any club. hues of orange,
deep magenta, white blue, hazy red. behind the
scenes the selfsame agent inserts his modules, going
by instinct, eyes moist and lambent
as the blessed buds
Posted by
7:33 AM
Thursday, September 23, 2004
arrest this poem
sweet thursday is more than just a Steinbeck
fable; it's the warm hand of fall and a day
like today when there's a fair chance
of airing out the neurotransmitters, taking
them for a little ride (come on,
you know what I'm talking about,
and 2 days into this pungent, fraught
season of angled light and leaves
is when the Molson tastes best)
ah, shit, it's the dying days of the world
and America
Posted by
8:37 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
the tony robbins of the mind
must always remember there is only one chance for me now and that is to write and write long and write serious with Kafka, Van Gogh, Jimi Hendrix as spiritual guides, with Charles Bukowski methodology, and with something else I can't quite mention or else lure the jinx even more but I bet you can guess
man I feel like such a loser sitting up here in this state and yet I wouldn't be anywhere else, only doing something else and that is why it is critical for me to remember that there is only one chance left for me now either way, whether get paid or no, no matter what level of success achieve, the goal is to do this and to do it some more and once have done it to perform the follow through things one must do once have done it
shit may have to do it drunk some nights, might have to do it in front of the Red Sox on TV if do it starting right now rightexactlythisweek and month, but must do it and will do it, will cheese it up if necess., will do with abandon, the key is lots of dialogue and scenes from one to another and the waking dream. shit. why not do it now. no I mean right now. why else have a dead-end job in loserville 45 minutes from where you were born. but that's OK. because
there is only one chance for me now, only one watchword, only one key, only one thing
to do.
Posted by
9:54 AM
uneven strain
brian meniscus
what a fuckin laugh,
this is a " why
you fail" moment
standin smokin by my truck
this morning I felt a pang of worry
for my observatory powers
such as they are
got bombed on Zhenka last night
and missed the best parts of Schilly's
best game
it occurs to me that I could use
a vacation from
the bullshit, well,
who couldn't?
but I'd take just being baked
concomitant with the, um,
or else fresh sober in some more northern woods
with a bow
or else at home writing a story
or even writing from this vein of crap I write in here
or else driving to New York City concomitant with the condition
that it's to somehow get crazy paid and then leave
nah, on second thought,
fuck NYC, you
can have it.
Posted by
8:50 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
destroy these instructions
what's been wrong, what's
been going on, he asked. It's in the vodka,
it's on the paper, I said, it's
in something I put on the paper
while I was in the
the all the time whisper
uneasy sleep suspiration
gambit lisps,
yeah, then I reach back. but the past
is no fun anymore, my specific masochism
requires some blood in the now,
I want some rack tragedy, Becky,
I want to be hurt by your intrigue and better
you be drunk and livid. Score me
with them green fingernails again write
on me one last time your snailwise reverse
blossom tragedy of woe and lust
and later smoke cigarettes with me at 4 a.m. in that blue diner
by South Station above hot black coffee
wiped out among tacit afterglow sadness, no tell,
no motel,
we did it in
your truck, now
your black hair's woven
through your palm, wrung for grief of what?
I never had no trouble playing fool,
look here, I'll play it once more for you
tell him it's the puppetry of fate,
eggs on a plate;
let's find a rooftop
and get blazed this morning
(you see it's so no place here and
this coulda been something this coulda been
a contender)
Posted by
7:36 AM
Monday, September 20, 2004
fool subliminal sandbagging the piper
haha who lost his guitar
the phrase"they who claim the Reign of Al Bazeel is here"
just flashed into my upper consciousness - take that as
an indicator of how the motherfucking life is kicking
right nowrightexactly now
neutral causes conspire man
arboreal pauses require and
adverbial clauses from liars
suck the air straightup out my tires you
fat motherfuckerthat'swhyIfuckedyourbitch and
I turned to one man and said:
What I can't figure out is all this time
I thought you'd straightfront abandoned me
but your real scene is evidently way more devastatingly
And I turned to another man and said:
Hey you go gobble that head pill
then I dropped that line with decamp,
and snuck off into the bed night dream arbor
with you. her. one
business card dipsomaniac bathe
slave garbed
in diurnal ejaculate
Posted by
1:33 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
negativity, man
pin pains in the left knee
Parliament Lights
too short nights
of no illumination
job woes
so it goes
feel like I can't win
in my picayune disaster
Posted by
7:21 AM
Friday, September 10, 2004
I had to run back in the pines and scratch into the earth the map of how bad it all sucked
rather than tell her
it was a fucked up pentatonic dream
and I couldn't wake up
Posted by
1:54 PM
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
her semen
personal as blood steeped jeans,
moist fingers
drawn and hung,
arabesque shadows, graven blankets, gratuitous
medication. now. silent pearl of gambit,
wine, waning hours shorn
to drift enclosure, first to next an enfilade
past menses, crossbreed shoals are organs,
men's and others given taste
for intersect, harm,
ancillary ways
Posted by
12:14 PM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
you and me buddy walking down along the tracks just like in the old days when we were 15 and the strongest substance yet taken: Led Zeppelin II. but on this day the tracks are a single track, and this a single chitinous black tubular rail, obsidian textured, and the shuttles fly so fast you can hear the sonic booms, they erupt out in the sightless horizon like explosions of ordinance. curiously, the tracks are still graded and banked with gray gravel, just like in the old days, old old days, the ancient days of automobiles, ancient days freshly hated and never forgotten. how could you? the sky an ugly yellow like the wings of the locust like tar colored phlegm from nicotine lungs, nauseous mists are the clouds, I guess they must move, but don't see how. Nonetheless for our walk down the singing vibration black vein in the land obsidian track we wear our loose garments textured for ventilation and infused with blown and pixellated glass the better to refract and deflect the killing rays of the naked sun. I can't see your eyes, friend, from behind the black globes of your goggles, and you can't see mine, but we are both in the System as BrownEyes and this is an important fact for to be not in the System is to remain outside on the surface of the planet forever and so to die in the terrible, ceasless light. This too, a curious fact, no one knows what has happened to the night, only that it doesn't occur here for months at a time, the latitudes could tell their tale had they not shifted no doubt but endless technology has made us primitive as ants and we do not question. At any rate, I do not. You were always the curious, searching one, and no doubt still are, but here on our first day back from the long silence of Death, I am remembering too many other things, questioning some, savoring none. Savoring none.
we trudged along. I think our bodies came out stronger than our brains or at least our conciousness because I trudged for very many hours and first become aware of another, then that it was you, and the way I could tell was the shape of the bones in your face, highbrow, the cut of your jawline. and the white hair flowing back from the mirrors of your turban. white hair. we stopped and regarded each other across the black line and gray grade of the track and then I saw my own face reflected in the violent bruise-like lenses of your goggles and my short beard and sideburns were white, white as new snow in December from the long dead mountain town of our youth, long dead town, long dead youth: but no. youth is the bones of my face beneath the old man's beard and that is when I recognize who I am in relation to you and that is when I realize that we are here and the germ of that thought is no doubt like the germs of our DNA somewhere, in some found locale, some tomb or grave, who knows why we're here or how, whom to thank, or curse, or whom to refer the insanity of our denial, our acceptance. Friend, I trafficked in insanity once, it was not so bad, it was a vision of the wars to come - but what of you, how do you fare? Then I remembered that in your first life your view of insanity was also the world's, that terrible day, that one day. Indeed you saw more than I or most. At first they thought it was paper issuing from the holes in the Towers but later it was revealed to be wallboard particles and sheet gypsum. And when a body hits the ground after 10 seconds at that velocity from that height the body explodes and the extremities fly back up in the air. And you thought it was a Nuke when the skyline commenced its crumbledown shattering into apocalpse commencement topography a Nuke not yet but good guess, prescient, one way or the other: Depleted Uranium equals a 4.5 million year bar tab, bartender, and that equals forever, an eternal round for all my friends, take one down pass it around 99 bottles of
Posted by
12:24 PM
Monday, August 9, 2004
the fantasy game gets older and less personal. hey,
i used to seek the slanted light too as it fell through
industrial height plate glass and into 1000 square feet of vibrating
bronze .010 Dean Markeleys, the way that vibration looks there
close to where they say the heart beats, the way the black dust
smells on your calluses; hey, i used to seek those days,
the way you feel when you seep another song, got to sing it down into
some means of encapsulation to make it stick. hey no wonder be drunk
and high all the time, i can remember what it was like to be desperate:
cutting blade cutting into oneself cutting into one another and i am still
that way; it is my secret.
the past wipes you down i guess until the caul shifts and shimmers back
into paper blossoms or firewater or the water in your brain makes you speak
and say back to people of your own device, I love you now run fast
run burn down the house quick
so I can live I give you life
so can you give me life back
it is a lonely life fraught with regret
and go-forward spiral pennies thrown and blown down slantways in some swift October swimming pool:
sodden leaves, north Georgia, just go barefoot till Thanksgiving whoops:
it is a lonely life fraught with regret.
it is yours
and it is
Posted by
10:10 AM
behavior chain
i.e. sink;
feel the other people in the grass.
hope: there's some,
field dog;
Now, burn it...
Posted by
9:43 AM
invisible writing how much of it can you really do plenty if you like to sleep all the dreams rush forward into the sound the sound the sound of blood and joints popping cracklong out into electric guitar freeze or the creaking wheel of the trashcart pushed past behind your seat like the creaking lie
Posted by
8:52 AM
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
and so break the seal of another day
i used to eat the 4 a.m. despair
the computer has already ruined this moment but let me persist in it
sit here now and no hope of getting through to you
the hush of the night trucks moving past
sober now there is no pretend to do
you can write to fend off the past
saw her face from when we were 18 not in a dream this time, just waking, just lying awake, outside the blue fuzz that is night and the future that awaits or that is happening depending on your notion of destiny. then I creep quietly from your side, filch a tshirt from the bureau drawer, and move downstairs to liftweights at 4 a.m. trying the new. I wish it seemed old, wish I had that equity.
but i was telling you about the face of Delia from when we were 18 and how I saw her pale arch eyebrows hair brown so black but amber in October sun and her almond eyes hard black almonds, her cackle laugh and flattened vowels, the lisp of Chicago, all this back in 1990 when we were kids and the world felt safe
yes, I mean you didn't worry about getting blown up so much or witnessing the blowing (OK City was a foretaste, later)
but when I say safe I mean for instance I personally hadn't yet a clear conception, say, of the venality of New York City. And I mean the denizens
so, there I am, really an instant ago, trucks hush by, blue fuzz of night, your warm hair
next to my chest, but I am picturing Delia, from when we were 18, thinking off all the past
but no sense of loss; then as always I think of walking from the Mall, with Delia, the blue snow falling, we go through the field out by 45, her warm, our black coats, mittens, we felt pure as Indians
so there is the poem, as I thought, but then I thought no why can't I make them short stories and novels
crafted not in some precious college way but in the way I would craft them as I would craft them
and of course this, this no poem either, this just this, what you write at 5:23 a.m. when you get up thinking that you're not gonna stop drinking but that you have to control it or perish huh I mean or it will control youso be cool and dial down the ratio, Mammon, serve sobriety for the better tenth of the days
ah this isn't it at all this isn't what I'm going for at all
I wish I could just sit here and tell you all this now for as long as I felt like it reallyman
but here is the urgency pinching down and now I must leave you ah the day's sealed
but not dwindling. nothing dwindles.
so whatif that's a lie. I will talk to you
Posted by
4:30 AM
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Rafe Dubious: He left his amp at the loading dock and careened off in that white Nova of his. I didn't feel it was my responsibility.
Going backwards, he'd just staged a regular freakout on my couch. Well. Said he'd seen all this going down in a dream before. Well now.
All that last part, from the girl, even still he can't get it right. He attributes it to RachelWhere, but he's confused. That girl from the Higlands was KateyRed. Get it straight, Crombosis!
He rearranged everything in my studio
He drew on the walls
and I responded. in small writing, up in a corner
by the ceiling, I wrote "You are not so much"
KateyRed. she'd come by. to talk to me. about something he'd said. and it didn't matter what. I told her it was a lie. It wasn't my responsibility
I don't know how I got in here. I'm no friend of his. Fuck this
KateyRed: A few days after the fucked up night that began in the Highlands, he called me. He sounded scared. He asked if I would like to go out for a drink. If I would be interested. I was flattered. I said yes.
I met him at Rafe's studio. He was by himself. He met me in the parking lot and walked me in. This was in early November. The air was cold and sweet. It was just getting dark. The sky was turning purple.
He was a character. He was wearing a dark green dress shirt untucked, and jeans. And beat up dusty black leather harness boots. His hair - you can tell it'd been long and he'd chopped it back with scissors himself. He looked like a vagabond. Not a hipster. A vagabond.
I sat on the couch in the studio again. We talked. When he talked it was always something of the confessional. It warranted some friendliness. I smiled. He talked and talked. Then he played me a song he said he'd written that day. This was the whole reason for us sitting here, I could see. It was a ballad in G. His guitar playing was crude yet evocative. I told him I liked his song. I told him his voice sounded very...warm. I said let's get out of here.
We went to the bar with the wood floors and ship knick-knackery on the walls. We drank any number of Bass Ales. We smoked cigarettes. There were some friends of my ex-boyfriend at the bar. This I alluded to in my sidelong way. We were both buzzed. He got up and sat down again next to me on the bench on my side. It was a silly and awkward thing to do. I said let's get out of here. I said let's go to my place. I was driving, and I drove us back there.
Once inside we had glasses of wine. I gave him the tour. Even up the spiral staircase. He looked unsure in my bedroom. We went back downstairs. We listened to an old record by the Police. He sat very close to me and spoke quietly by my ear. I could feel his breath on my hair. I sat very still. He moved back and apologized. I said do you want to go out on the roof.
He stopped me in the doorway and looked very intense. He said some things I did not understand, could not have understood. Too much interior monologue leaking out. I got scared. I did not like it.
We went out on the roof though. It was very chilly. We talked some more and laughed at silly harmless things, goofs. I don't think he knew my heart wasn't in it.
I knew of course at the bottom of things he wanted what all guys want. I'd given that too many times before I felt.
Later in the car he told me that's all Rafe wanted, anyway. From me. I said well he's not going to. he can't have it.
But then later I confronted Rafe and he told me Cromby was not well in the head, and maybe dangerous. My source information seemed to corroborate this
I was very distraught when I left the studio after speaking to Rafe. As I was leaving I saw Cromby coming in. I stopped him and said, "You lied to me." He said, "No." And covered his face and went backwards.
Rafe was right there. He escorted Cromby in through the loading dock. What the fuck. Again I was scared, but more than that angry. I sped away. I just wanted to get out of there.
A few days later Cromby called my just before Thanksgiving. I wanted it to stop. I was tired of their bullshit. I wanted him to go away. And that is what I told him
Posted by
9:21 AM
shit haven't lifted weights it's edging up to a month now and think I might be losing it, strength seeping out of me. man, if I was only ripped up like my dog and as fast as he who is a 68 lb. black German Shepherd they'd shower me with money honey and I'd be intimate with your saliva
reeling this out from my cubichell because idiots are on vacation this week and as such me here now considering staging a diveout around noon. just got a call from my old fieldbrother lettin me know fishin could indeed have been on the agenda today but it was an elusive plan have to wait till tomorrow I hope
(the diveout however is a nascent plan devoutly held)
have been having precious little fun lately. my neighbor hates my dog. i live right on top of the fucker. he stands on his deck and glares at my girlfriend. mind you, we are considerate as can be with the pooch and barking ie not letting the occurrence obtrude or prolong. never mind, the issue is that the dude is a type A anal retentive fucker and those people well they're out there and they are your enemy.
the canine hating and the glaring is becoming oppressive. i hate to admit it. it is really a small thing. it's brought out the old me: last night I muttered "cocksucker" just beneath the audible, lit a butt like throwing down my muddy glove and gave that fucker a hard look. bitch was watering his lawn. what a picayune nightmare. i don't suppose he heard me not necessary just wanted to give him the diorama: the hate is mutual, you douchebag. you want brotherly love you got the wrong drone, Chad
troubles at home last night half-drunk and not in fact yelling I told her I was pretty much sick of the constant tension whining complaining. leave it to me to lather up a passive aggressive. I'm like nutrition for unhappiness. she wants to move. we've been looking. met with the realtor. what a pain in the ass. i could in fact move. our house ain't that great. wonder what i'd be doing if I was single. never had much luck single either. i'm sure I'd be in bars? maybe not. maybe not now.
anyway, all 4 of you, now you can see why I don't usually do the regular thing here. Que pinchi pene. Now back to our irregularly scheduled mania.
Posted by
7:27 AM
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
RachelWhere: rejoice in poverty? he sure did.
let's see I met him in a bar in Virginia Highlands. I was there with my sister for the dancing. he
was sitting in a booth with this boy who I knew from around the Five Points named Rafe Dubious.
Rafe was an artist and had his work hanging in this one place off Ponce they were formal works with figures and they were quite quite good but he'd that summer gone abstract
I didn't care for that I was a vetrinary technician with long dark red hair. I was the type to make allusions to all the fucked up things I'd done in my past but I was a clean girl now or trying to be. my rooms had a gothic thing going with black wrought iron skull candles and witch pictures but they were clean quarters indeed. there was a spiral staircase. my bedspread was floral and bright. I live there with my sister. she was a blonde girl short and compact while I was tall and thin and had hips like a mantis. she wasn't my sister at all but that's what I told Cromby to give you an idea how I valued him. that night in the Highlands I had gone there for the dancing. Rafe D. and Cromby were holed up in a booth over pitcher of beer and arguing. About their band. Rafe wanted a saxophone in there. Cromby wanted to be Chris Cornell. It was Rafe who brought us in to sit down. Both of them were a couple of glib characters. Rafe was oilslick sexy and Cromby was sloppy and surly in a sweet way. Guess who I was attracted to. Rafe said Cromby's kind of a light drunk and Cromby said No I'm not in a way that told you he so was. Well, maybe not that bad. I don't know what happened to my not sister but it was late real late finally and we were all shit drunk and carefree in the way that you really can get to be in summer in Atlanta and we dumped ourselves into Cromby's white Nova and Cromby drove us back to the studio. The studio of Rafe in this semirenowned band practice space a big white washed brick old warehouse space where you weren't supposed to live just play music but it was shady and Rafe lived there anyway for painting studio purposes first and also the band stuff. Cromby had a key and had been sleeping on the couch occasionally with the understanding that is was to be Stealth. and what I noticed about Cromby driving and here is where I gained a certain respect for him was that even though he was completely loaded he was indeed a very very careful and inscrutably cautious drunk driver. so there was something. well the boys took me back to the studio and plugged in their guitars and proceeded to play me a song they had written together, worked up out of an old song of each of theirs. it was no better or worse than a million songs of its kind written by a million dudes of their precise ilk. i appeared flattered in the way girls such as I can but we were still drinking beer and smoking Camels. it was the kind of good time you can have at 3:30 in the morning. then we were all drunk and lying on the couch cushions Rafe had put on the floor. both of them started then to give me a backrub. Rafe put his hand in my shirt. I stopped things there. We all slept drunk on the floor. at least that is what Cromby thought happened
hey what do you know there is more to this anecdote. I will be back but I better let MercyGraft chiaroscuro you in on some ancillaries
Posted by
11:38 AM
DickDanger: he angry he got a angry face people think he angry when he ain't even angry I seen him in this all night coffeehouse on 9th avenue in Chelsea in 1998 summer of he came in about 11:30 pm and got on the list to play. it was a open mike where they basically gave you a gig right there. small stage. what was clear about cromb was he didn't have no marketing plan. he had one of those soundhole pickups for the acoustic and that was it. he come on in and set down at the small curve of bar in the side and back and order a amber beer and another and three and it was clear he didn't have no qualms on playin drunk because he'd take 4 up to the stage with him when he go to play. white boy blues. but he sing his own words and put his own C Am F G etc. twist on things. this one night there was these two minxy small dyehead girls there no I mean one was chinese the other octaroon perhaps they were from NYU they gave him their regard and he gave them some song about coming up like a scarecrow across the crisscross bottle glass. nah, that's some lie. he never had no song that good. this was a good night there though because it came down to a blues jam with this dude ted and it went on and on and ended in a vestibule with this micmac girl and ted and some others on the smoke out then it was shamble into the morning spend the last dollars on a egg plate and then shamble back down into the train it was a dry glory and a arid one dry as wallboard dust - why you think he drink so much?
MercyGraft: he knows that indeed you do go around only once and that's why his conscience has been dealing him some blows. the summer sunlight should never shine so hard. catch him smoking an American Spirit by the truck. planning to dive out to somewhere remote where he can smoke some more and try to think himself back into who he used to want to be. harsh too is the reflection too back on what and how it he used to be. it was never so good. maybe one summer. 95. that was a good one. hi it's me Cromby here see I've hijacked MG he's supposed to be my better half but you know how that goes
Posted by
8:45 AM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
yeah yeah can you hear the voice can you hear the talking well her voice is prettier than mine you can have that if you want to but the real crux is her mind is prettier than mine too and it is a mind like that that reminds a mind like mine to focus on the voice of vincent. vincent. raw. raw like that other vincent reckon but not so nice as that broken blue and yellow skybird schizophrenia of his mine is gray dun like the smoke when it comes out the lungs yours the lungs mine wine I need wine well how about a light beer say maybe a Coors seems apropos
I need a career path I need a bath I need some blow I need a blow job I need the knob replete with the jism of when you back away from schism of herenow rightexactlynow all you know all you see have seen have said said said right now I said right now I'll leave you in a beat. and not one from my heart. no. one from my sensibilities my sense of dramatic task my past but subtle way beyond yelling so you can't feel it no you can't but someone can others can have nope fuck what's the value of interior monologue it's that you just say. I read one blog today.
i say now call this one two fish one I'll never see one I've seen too much
Posted by
9:31 PM
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Well I like to kick it alone. With my girlfriend and my parrot. And fuck that drunk kid. You call him Cromby. I call him crap. haha no. I have forgotten him is he a asshole. You reach a stage in life where you start wondering what a true asshole is. I got $987.04 in my savngs. and that is why i aint talk to cromb all he ever wanted to do was find a drunk micmac chick and fuck her 4 times tops till it came out she was nancyzen all along and also a fat black girl who chafed his dick and also some filipina one no all 3 the same no some 2 he met in a bar in Newmarket one fine one one fat one fuck the fat one suck the fine one's teat later some one sucks you off you come can't say who probably the fat one well still pretty hot
all things considered
Posted by
11:02 PM
We drove up to Portsmouth and Old Man Mile Beach. I was up on a visit from the land of the south. I lived in a house with a boyfriend down there who had long black Turkish hair he was a blacksmith. I had to tell Cromby all about him. Cromby didn't say much. We went to a bar and he drank numerous Tecates. I was drinking vodka. We both got drunk. Cromby leaned across the real small small table and whispered in my ear he wanted to go get a room somewhere and fuck me. I said I had a boyfriend. Cromby ordered tequila shots. We had 2 apiece. We both got too drunk to drive. Cromby became belligerent and started spouting bitter bitter attitudes about why he always a eunuch never the dude why couldn't it have ever been him. I said it wasn't him it was timing. We left the bar to go smoke out. We smoked out far down on the beach saying nothing just watching the surf. We then walked back up the boardwalk all sparchy like the salt air. Cromby stopped at one of those pitch the baseball guess your speed things. Cromby put down 4 bucks for six balls and told the barker he didn't want to guess he just wanted to throw. Cromby looked me right in the eye and said in high school he had a 90 mile an hour fastball. He threw all six then and never broke 40. He said I'm a fucking liar, all right, but I still got a 8 inch dick. I became somewhat uncomfortable because he was obviously drunk and getting loud. People were looking at him. I didn't need this shit. It was a buzzkill. We went to another bar. He went off to piss and I left. I went to another bar down the way. There I met another boy right off the bat. He had a bowl haircut and muscles and except for the bowl haircut seemed altogether hairless. He took me to his apartment back about 15 miles down the highway in this other town where people lived and we fucked while his roommate took pictures. I didn't really care about the blacksmith at that moment. It wasn't the first time hanging with Cromby had brought this type of behavior out of me. The other boy and his friend were morons but man could they fuck. What turned me on too was the idea of ditching Cromby that way and what I would do next.
The next morning I emailed Cromby the pictures from the one boy's computer. That night I got on a plane and went back to the south where I was from. And that was it for me and Cromby. Unless he should call me again and I am bored but I had heard that he had disappeared at sea
Posted by
12:07 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
read this but if you read this and you have been reading this read the other couple that follow and these are reverse chronological for now starting from here which they always are anyway but you know what I mean I am not dead but I am dead too oh if only we could drink and talk but this will be as good as it gets for you unless you are skullbolt in which case I might see ya dog in which whether or not eventuality you are forever exempt
we got new forms here and we can say new things in these new forms and still have them be Lit. who is to say what is?????????? Is Literature alive and well? You better come on in my kitchen
it's going to be raining outdoors yeh I used to sing that one still can just did I bet
I beg
I guess I should just go to bed
because I am laboring under the burden
of getting anything anything at all out on the page
and I am drinking beer as usual and while it's not exactly clouding my head
I am not a ball of holy fire yet.
But it is only really my third night of you know here I am
after I said I am going to write no matter what and so here I am doing it. Yeah
this is a poem. but one with no line breaks. and no regard for anything beyond words,
any words, whatever words you can find, dog, whatever words
you can muster. it just feels so much better
just to type along than to sit silent and bound and beholden
to too many ideas. all day at work today in my hole I was trying to muster
some kind of referendum on the process of writing and I couldn't do it. and I'm not doing it now.
and what a bore this is here you'd think if I was letting it flow and letting it fly
and flaying it out I really would just flay it and tell some of the good stuff. so much of the good stuff is from
the so distant past to me yet not so much in years no more certainly than ten years ago and who cares? what is the good stuff?
but if I start writing it what will I have? what will it be? well
this is part of the referendum. I think I could write some short stories that are just mildly disguised versions of things that've happened to me and maybe I should as a form of catharsis. tell it straight, add some shit, tweak something, but in the right
way, call it fiction. i know this is what many writers do
and I guess I will do it because making stuff out of purer imagination, making from out of the dream, is harder.
or is it. no, it shouldn't be. but what I'm saying
what I'm saying to you right now is I need some stories I can tell fast as I can tell them. fast. fast. I need production. I need work. I need backlog. I need ore. I need stumps to cut off and to hew out of them my sick little wood sculptures. if I face it I bet I could write a whole volume of short stories just shit that's happened to me. based on that shit. I know something of the fiction will enter into it but I
do think I need to codify somehow as a start
my own personal details. I keep finding ways to peel
off out of the main thing I am supposed to be workin on but that is
Posted by
12:47 AM
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
He bought it early. He was four years old. He had a croup.
Now a couple weeks before the onset of the cough he'd fallen out of his crib reaching for mosquitos. It was late July. It was the back front room of a medium ranch where he slept and Mom was vigilant but it was darning hours and he happened to reach too long and fell out of his crib. Onto a slat wood floor where he hit his head and cried and then slept for some time.
Lies. Not accurate. Not even any fun in the lack of accuracy. Let's end this thing here.
none of this shit I can tell is going to be even anywhere near as fun as just the Internet the one you can have if you can only pay for it
give him a break he hasn't written for months and months again. I have some dream story I would like to tell that could be illuminating I have some fantasy
it's all breaking up
MercyGraft & RachelWhere
You're doing it again. You're not giving it a chance
I could be drinking I could be drinking again Oh wait I am
Now I got new things to telll you; now I got new ways to tell you these things
Who cares, but one.ahhhhhhh
He breaks it down for over like the last past ten years and the answers are all equal in the head and the answer is no result or yes it is and it answers nothing oh but yes it does some piquant existential pain and yeh caring I care I care I care for this dog too much no just enough you know this whole observation is going to in spite of itself become one. single. blog . entry. yeh. and.
why not
because the whole matter will stick here's the ugly beersoaked entrails of the idea but now the idea is true.
drunk summer another drunk summer another another how many this one one more and one more I can see having them till 35 36 37 38
if I can keep my body in shape. god and my potency is such a waste. I could fuck you now bitch hard for a hour. I said that to the sky. trees and rocks. I am none of these. i am the ether of lost friends. I am still out of control. I am writing again as a means of escape. good writer. bitch. fuck . shit . piss. this'll all get on the Internet because I don't want Mott Cromby to die. He's already dead. He's died so many times. So many times. This is The Death Of Mott Cromby. Fuck the whip I'm the whip the whip already hurts
I can tell you a story a story about Cromby. He rocked one fifth of my world in the summer of 95.
He could kiss. We were both real dumb. didn't know motherfuckers would be making fortunes while we laid around. that is his voice creeping in there not mine. his voice crept into my. head.
he sang to me on tapes. and sent them to me. I would listen to them in my red car and smoke cigarettes and think of him and me and the world. and me. and the world.
he could kiss and he was smart and funny. and he was very emotional and then later he did dumb things like jerk off instead of fuck me and then I called him on it and said some thing to embarrass him and then I sat smugly in a thin chair and he flipped out and bashed with his fist the doors of this third hand dresser cheap cheap and his violence was cheap and expensive and disturbing. and then he cried right after and fell at my feet. and his drama was a cheap something. and he was a good fuck for me why would I lie about something like that he had good hands he had guitar player hands and he had a good tongue he ate me deep like the sweet confection I was and won't be again
He died on a ten speed bike. They were riding to the mall; him and Dick Danger. They were like Fourteen. Riding bikes onto the bridge; turning on and in the breakdown lane on the side there June sun yeh in it and in in that turning lane.
Posted by
11:51 PM
Cromby is back
I have a backlog of posts
both literal and figurative
but this one is right now
so let it fly
glad Detroit won
frankly not surprised that they did
Sox whipped in Denver
Didn't have to be that way
this is ephemeral
and for my girl Bunnie
tonight did a foreign thing
which was going before this town's planning board
to ask for variance
to construct a shed
I need another blog to honestly explain
these mundane details of my life
which are only as mundane as I view them
you can't quantify experience; only qualify it
there are some things about my life separate from
Cromby's that I'd like to tell but I can't do it here
Cromby is the dreamer
Cromby lives in the dreamworld
which is our world. your world. the world
seen through Cromby's eyes
felt through Cromby's heart
(and this is a note to bunnie:
it is not his heart that is complacent -
it's his will
it's probably not cool to call out bunnie
I regard the other 3 - 5 of you and close confidants as well
or you if you are reading new
or you
tough night
tough life
I think you if you've read this far
can get down with that
Posted by
11:41 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
this is the kind of day where usually I decline to write why because the thick swamp of what that'd be same same same how's that same is the biggest illusion of all where the shoulder of paranoia provides cover is here here I am and later later I will tell you more
I wonder, why can't I just get back into that head I can have of glib cynical hyperbolic violence, and then I am confronted with a paragraph such as this:
In Nasiriyah, only Kadem Hashem and his youngest daughter survived when a U.S. missile struck their house. His wife Salima, five of their children, and six other family members who happened to be in the house at the time were killed. Finding a photograph in the debris of his house, Hashem told reporter Ed Vulliamy of The Observer: "This was my middle daughter, Hamadi. I found her burnt to death by that doorway, she had shrunk to about a metre tall." His one surviving daughter, Bedour, described now as "what remains of a beautiful girl," lies on the floor of a relative's house. "She is shrivelled and petrified like a dead cat. Her skin is like scorched parchment folded over her bones. Unable to move, she appears as if in some troubled coma, but opens her eyes, with difficulty, to issue an indecipherable cry like a wounded animal." Hashem dug a mass grave for his family in a nearby holy city. "I collected them all and put them in a single grave at Najaf; my money was burnt, too, and I couldn't afford to bury them separately."
For further articles and studies, see
Reprinted from The Independent Institute:
This article comes from The Smirking Chimp
The URL for this story is:
Robert Higgs: 'The crimes at Abu Ghraib are not the worst'
every time I ever lived in the fast lane
I veered and crashed
but the shit part is here I am now still
my question is now, if I am as unmanacled from pretension now as I wasn't then then now that the cuffs are gone to mail,
can I beat them into
daggers & shuriken
or do I or could I or has it happened already
shut up
if I ever had salt enough to just tell about daytoday how would that be?:
I drank 5 beers
I loved my dog
I felt rage at some situation
I schemed to get away to fish and get sparchy
I felt estranged
I felt stuck
I felt isolated by what and how much I know about this and this
the sun felt good
I smoked an American Spirit Light
I was alone
I looked at a woman's body and yearned
I felt sad love for the woman I live with and felt like I could cry
my main qualification for being a writer is that all I want to do is sit in a room and drink with you and tell you lies all night then slip in a true story that happened to me once and see if and what it does to your eyes
Posted by
8:01 PM
Monday, May 10, 2004
one day
motivation crept back in complaining
of my absent pedigree
I told that wench
run bring me a beer she said you'll never win the title match drinking a hundred now
this is all prelude to me telling you the story of Mercygraft Hill and the old red house, that ancient neighborhood, abandoned by all and for dozens of years save for the old woman's mutant children, numbering 2
one was a bird the color of tarnished copper with a perpetually open beak and 2 human feet emerging, human yelps and mumbling coming horrible from inside its gullet and as I looked closely I saw that the creature's intelligence was somehow fused in there
my companion told me he'd been sitting atop the ruined roof of the house for as long as anyone knew. the danger he presents to himself is a danger to us all
we had earlier climbed the hill, the oldest and highest in town, up a steep road as steep as to be nearly useless in the effort it took to ascend
we scaled some rocky ledge the better to go unobserved and from up there I looked down on the grassy outskirts of the town, the rusty rails of the blasted tracks running far out under tunnellike green and sward canopy of trees and grass and yet curiously to me the view included no vista: I could not see the ocean nor the distant encampents of the armies, armies of men, armies of beasts
(then shift into a battle on a rooftop down in the city, this battle also a wild party for spectators and participants both, and at a certain point I go running off to this artist studio apartment house to do a few things there to use the bathroom being one of them but and of course there is a girl, there is a bunch of other dudes, there are black and red curtains, there is a friend I once betrayed, there is aloofness, everyone there wants to be famous as do I, there is some shame and there are some further inscrutable lessons)
I'm getting ahead of myself
this is all just a prelude. motivation crept back in unannounced sometime in the night last night,
let me tell you friends that I've been down, I've been hurting, I've been fucked up disturbed walking headshot in the morning streets, smoking cigarettes, wondering why how and is it too late well no, no not at all, so I am back here to tell you, writing in stealth, and at 8:12am
bless the hour
11:16am on the other hand can be a most debilitating hour
reading of war crimes perpetrated by your own countrymen and women and plenty of them
now maybe that is a mind too far but how can it be? all the information is right here
all the details, all the photos and movies
digression is the context in this case
the debiltating minutes; feel myself slipping to the torpor
but then I put a few words in this box unbeknownst and that is some hope
Some parts of the dream are ridiculous as parts of the life though always more entertaining
the dream runs the life limps perhaps I will carve you an elegy of images tonight
perhaps not
I have no pedigree and slight precedent in my history for success but what I do have is bezel in the blood enough and obstinacy to decline defeat
my insane ways the massive vanity
the paradox, self-destruction
the will to do This
Cheat the Muse or get
bitch to surrender
either way
will do
long as you
get in
the schematic aftertaste
cloven head
carrion twisting
bloody ribbons
on the flagpole
I said earlier on here that there would be a battle, a battle of men versus animals yeh now aint that just the case
Posted by
7:34 PM
Friday, May 7, 2004
how'd I get so remote. I don't know
paranoia from your hand in the dark.
i think it is a cat. no I think I am one
such a fine sunny day and here I am inside
how'd I get so remote. and yet it was the plan
for me. laid out. fuck. remote. how'd I get so
if I say it it is true. I am insane. one eighth
not enough for anything but to be remote.
history. aboriginals. go in the woods.
I can't all I can do is stare at pines. from here.
they are remote. guess what else is. I should have
wrote instead about my heart. who broke it
I broke it myself. It keeps happening. The rage of a king
the plate
of a beggar
who broke it
Posted by
10:41 AM
Thursday, May 6, 2004
a dream of you entwined
some Indian style with another guy
as I walked away well
that was a pretty bad dream
and then I thought about having no morals
but couldn't get there not the way
I have in dreams where I cheated
on you
hey everyone feels like their life is empty
now and then, me same as you same
as anyone
In different age I want to kill the motherfuckers
who hurt us and can't see us, want to kill and humiliate
but in this our age of killing and humiliation
(hey this is our age, same as the last)
nah. what I want is a modest sum,
enough to take you and I even farther away
from the rest of people, to some quiet space
among trees and sun and snow
when it comes. the world is done
but not us, and not a lot of people
just like us. I'm a cynic
a hyperbolist a jerk
and I drink too much but you can't
get past God
and Love God and Love
in some true way which is you have to get away
away from this dead world
and into some
Posted by
10:04 PM
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
what I enjoy now fucks is the liberty to say fuck
to my own past psychotic peccadillos
nothin will compare to Abu Grahib cept past
death sick peccadillos perpetrated all long down and
across time
shit drunk and not saying what I came here to say --
mass absolution insanity productivity for everyone like me
that's my prayer
(for everyone else:
the prayer is:
there is a God
and It is
a citizen
Posted by
9:07 PM
Thursday, April 29, 2004
the dumb succeed and prosper and think they thoughts are good in the land and air of the dumb but fuck me I just want to come in the good way the old way the way it was supposed to be
don't you drag my family into this cunt you have no idea no idea about my particular lineage yeh I drink but you best be proud but no you're normal and I'm not I'm not
I'm not
I'm not I'm not I'm not
and no tattoos to show for it no band tapes or flyers no group sex tales or thoughts no
not even those so much anymore my thoughts
are pure and yours, bitch,
are not by trying to harangue me about money shit if you want money you
are with the maximum wrong motherfucker; least till I make it and if I do
I hope from vantage of tonight that you are gone because
you among
how many other fish in the sea?
won't deserve my dollars the night
that I make them
and if I don't/
well that's the whole point
don't fuck with me about money bitches
I can't take it if you want a money man
you got the wrong guy.
(but I am the dumb one because all I got is blood and heart
but oh yeah
she had that too and she fucked
the town that other 4 long
ago not that long
but fuck I hate
this shit but luckily I'm an alcoholic
Posted by
9:40 PM
words of love
I'd be a lot happier you
fucking moron you fucking
moron you
fucking bitch
Posted by
9:31 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
mercy now do we need hounds to chase some sense into this populace well yes hounds of heaven the good kind the kind people and I mean the actual people such as Jesus and the Buddha understood
dreams of hell last night hell on earth and murder senseless unforgiving murder,
the perpetrators also the victims too bad that ain't the way it works here on earth
the perpetrators prosper. the killed just die
I been in better moods I been in better times time time time where is it when you need it
where is it
when you need it
Posted by
7:39 PM
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Thursday, April 22, 2004
sing a song of slept on the dog bed
or sing some more isometric song
sing once then head north
to get bled
lie in bed with your psychosis nurse
fuck her
and be
Posted by
6:38 AM
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
you can see
the failure
now you can see
the fuck up
oh but i forgot you don't care
what you motherfuckers of your stripe
need to learn is that the transitory
is not the whole
everything is what you think
it is and that is why
we are finished
care not and feel the despair
of my dreams which predate
some more bullshit reality
you make me mad youths
but you will die too
or else learn to hide
as I have
Posted by
9:07 PM
Monday, April 12, 2004
you baby
one of the few
might think I would want you
you probably think
i'm fatter and more gross
than i am
but they breed a good breed
just shy of the mountains these days
any knowing would entail all the dreams and nightmares
nope hopes
as distinct from
no hope
what's worse than cynicism
is this clear eye i'm getting spares
no one not you
not me
not you
Posted by
8:24 PM
Saturday, April 3, 2004
I'd like to welcome you
to this forum to discuss the hopeless
layers of everything
I'm embracing:
self-regenerative pipe dream
I'll get my shit together though
turn out a fucked up story at this point I'm wondering
should I just fail to eschew my bullshit method got it now translates
into trash sex violence drugs stupidity apathy horror terror vile bland sensibility
see this is the vein I get in
but no
I should say things rarely ever seem to work but yet
bullshit mill spawn spin sick game isn't the only verbal dare I say rodeo. yet this is what I pursue
I could be living with just a bit more sophistication I suppose if I had played my cards better.
who is not without regret.
a surfeit of $$$ would serve me
Posted by
7:17 PM
Friday, April 2, 2004
man ray
a loud city limber dust not mine in dream upon her Orangina spine
25 years old. beer of taxation. thought: should have come there -
fog this morning. Heavy white fog clouds the stone drive
by the hospital.
Who can train these particles of impossibilty. I can
salt the beer and sluice it down onto the drill,
past it, wet the new board and work the bit, one bit of discernment.
remember when these pay phones were essential, now they signal portals of defeat. human. portents. spare a nickel,
can you spare a dime. all the common currency is now obsolete. Symbols of some other life. fuck. die
the inescapable image: me drunk and leaning into a pay phone at Union Square that June
waiting for you for you to come then by the subway I said if I follow you home
will you call the cops on me? should of gone now I
won't go back. don't
get killed off. hope
not, wait and
Posted by
12:14 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2004
nancy you must never let me but oh that thing I once must wrote
and here I fall to your defense but never exterior-strate but yet
why yes all the time I am a performer but no not
of your nefarious type
type sexy
or just
hammer to the head
hammered I am
and also such
a head yeh you
give it good
Posted by
5:36 PM
Friday, March 26, 2004
I will but you can't make me
in slow motion here now level son my blood feels the look of things here lately on the inside more expertly than me excursive skin yeh lately this blood has been cooling
which is where you need to keep it, in the cooler in the crisper mami, I know whereof I speak, mami, I'm a man of pride
out walking alongside this one particularly muscular and true black herding dog this morning I told myself to look at distance, look at the details of the trees, many many trees wet on the hill I live by and many of them old, old pines and oaks older than you mamimissymy sister
fear not what comes fear not fear not
I told myself look at the distance and the grey morning seemed much of potential and scene fore and aft, both biblical
and pagan aftermath
Posted by
10:17 AM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Monday, March 22, 2004
evaluation of the damp half-thawed
ground scored with diminishing snow grain
was overwhelmingly floaty green; this property
was hastened or fomented by a pair
of gin-and-tonics or gee and tees as I overwhemingly
prefer to think of that specialty twig borne water
before it was all through (by it
I mean the moment) I would hear a
high keening noise from the road or from
beyond the road; I thought could it be from a
truck or trailer? or could it be from the universe
sounding commendation
and scoring 1 true thought for me
because the 1 thought I was thinking was that
poetry really was one of the first and as such
one of the greatest forms of art, most essential
in cause for humanity: after all, look at Lao-Tzu
Aesop, Homer and Anonymous Ballads
Shakespeare, Lazarus and
so, that was the thought. then my munificent
black dog stood and rounded to attention when
the keening noise came and then too came the second thought
which was: well in that case I'm free
to write a really crappy novel now
because great art or not most people care not a crap
for poems but man will they never not shut up
about what polluting dumbass movies they've just seen
and how you've got to see them
too ah fuck it just send me
the jackpot Kafka and I'll mount the psychic blanket party
against all your foes
then now and to come
Posted by
4:15 PM
Friday, March 19, 2004
another snow-blasted March
I'm out in my writing shed
chucking another wedge of oak
into that woodstove we bought
at the flea market last year,
then back to bang on the manual.
My burden is to be the transmitter
for whatever chords of memory
or nightmare chance to band
down and through. the green
magnetic vertigo of the frequency
is something I never question.
Neither ever did you. You're tearing up
Texas again now and I'm still here.
You call some nights from some bar
or some new guy's place. The price
of transmission is how cold-blooded
you've made me become. The long
distance helps to chill the platelets. At night I sit
on the roof here and sip cheap
brandy from the bottle, smoke cigarettes
I roll myself. Damn you, God, I think.
All the ponds are still capped with ice.
The table is buried in white pages covered
in letters like mites, skin fleas, all
the insanity of the transmission. You
wondered that half-year you were here
how we'd ever get rich. I said it'll be
no sweat for you once you get shut
of me. You just hunkered down into
that Martin dreadnought and scratched
out the transmission. No brains in it either.
Just blood and heart. You the purer cipher
but then here I am, yet plugged into the wavelength
albeit by a cheap brown extension cord.
Tomorrow I'm going to wake up on the floor
out here freezing, step out, piss on the cinderblocks,
and then make my way back to the black and white kitchen
with that creepy Crazy Kat clock you gave me
that Christmas. Fucker. He's in the transmission.
Bigger wavelength than ours too.
There's going to be a message on the machine.
It's going to be you and you're going to be in some
horrible trouble. I'm going to have to spend the afternoon
tuning up the '82 Ranger God help me and then hit the road.
I'm going to incur a huge credit debt just getting down there.
When I get down there I'm going to get into a fight with a boy in a bar
and crack his head with an ashtray and fuck up my right wrist all
to hell. There's going to be a gun at some point.
I'll be like, I just want to write.
It'll be just like a movie.
Nah. Fuck it. You go to hell. Fuck all of Texas,
get strung out and die. I'm throwing another oak in the stove.
Sing a pretty little tune.
Send it out there. I'll pick it up in the transmission.
I don't have time for this bullshit I have work to do
Posted by
8:11 AM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
perihelion: the behavior
I make a quarter turn and gesture with a cigarette
I turn one-eighth and am handed a Cross pen
I rotate half again and am handed a receipt
I slide back once and am reminded of transgressions
I am test wheel
And answer wheel
Alone in the peristyle
Posted by
10:03 AM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
climbing up the hill
toward the smoke
of the cookfire
the full moon alarming
past fractious
cloud scuttle
I am too few
bootmarks in the blue
shadow snowdrift
Posted by
8:16 AM
Monday, March 15, 2004
all I need at intervals is a hill
bright sunlight
a German Shepherd
a pond or stream
tackle, truck
occasional smoke
then after all this,
a clear head and 3 hours
per night
with which to exercise it
after that,
everything that's ever happened to me,
every action I've ever witnessed,
every emotion I've ever felt,
should do to make
for the rest of it.
nomads I guess hear
just the other nomads
while territorial beings
on the big
dark music
between the moon
and here
Posted by
9:09 AM
Friday, March 12, 2004
oh and these are the worst of times when images are all blunted nullified and the word abhors oh
and of course these are not the worst of times why look
at this paradise of opportunity and all you bring to it
is you're bored? you're tired of some shit? you wish something was some other way?
yeah but it's these surroundings and yeah well tell that to
the person in jail the person in the desert the person with no car the person with no job the person with no food the person with no mind tell that
to the dead person with no one more time
Posted by
3:26 PM
to give pause
to take pause
to not spend a lot of time wondering
why can't it all be happening
in a funky colonial style house
with 4 guitars no cares
acclaim, a cooler head
and me some much cooler stereotype, well
you take what you have
you just have to take it
then something happened
and then I started
Posted by
8:29 AM
Thursday, March 4, 2004
I don't believe in astrology except as a guide and where it seems to apply
two fish two fish two fish two fish
Posted by
9:33 PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2004
uh gee uh
the thing about her is that she's doing it all yeh
but ok what about what G. Flaubert famously said
about the ideal writer's ideally boring habits contrasted
with his so not boring imagination I guess
I epitomize that idea. well in fact minus any glib
shit a big part of this shit is feeling nostalgia for five
minutes ago or else 20 years ago passed in an instant
but anyway it's a new world these days, and a dangerous one
and forbidding. to a point. they say we're up here a small state
and yet outpeople up north get lost every day. traditional
lines of the American geography are bullshit. this can be
taken literally and/or as metaphor. equal application
tangentially I'll tell you I do have perverse thoughts about
certain ordinary young corporately held women seen daily and regard these
thoughts as little brothers, too dumb to know what
they're about. sex is so overrated. so not worth bothering
of course you need an outlet for sex to see this.
I never had one for years but feel so sanguine
now it gives me hope about myself.
men care about men things.
sex trouble is the trouble of boys.
no time for that now:
my anger is what troubles me. note I don't say "scares"
I don't feature any more personal apocalypes for me
unless of course I reserve one more of the deep Jungian type
but conditionally on the deep DL and no one knows. I might take one more
of those. but poetry. you can do one a day:
fiction is so much harder and I motherfuckers need to pare out
a space to write. around here I mean. Because I will not let cheesy New York
new uh huh uh huh motherfuckers win. my goal is to make my old
teacher Tony Ardizzone shocked and proud. Look What That One Did
sort of thing. I'm only half doing it now not even half
I got so many fists and barely one face to put them in except this one
right here
right here
Posted by
10:22 PM
Here's this to make you sick at heart.
And here's this to make you sick at heart.
And Paul Krugman better stay on the ground and out of small airplanes before someone makes a phone call and he gets the Wellstone treatment
Posted by
3:46 PM
Monday, March 1, 2004
The criminals in Washington
are worse than they've ever been.
This is not an opinion.
I'd never send a son
to die
in the oil wars
and neither should you.
Evil, stupidity, cravenness
is rampant now
at a pitch never before
It's all because of someone's ATM card.
It's what the computer says.
It's what the TV says.
The tree of liberty has died.
So keep your blood inside.
You will need it in the end
Posted by
11:32 PM
The November sun rose firing the mist ascendant upon the Piedmont. I awoke in my faded red '87 Nova feeling sick from drinking. I was parked in the narrow, hardscrabble parking lot of Black Stump Studios, the rehearsal space.
It was my ninth night sleeping in my car's reclined bucket seat and two months since I'd left my old life.
I viewed my breath rising toward the pilly gray upholstery of the vehicle's ceiling. The gold sunlight streamed through the smudged side windows and over my battered jeans jacket.
I reclined the bucket seat upward and drew in toward myself, burying my nose beneath the smoke-smelling the found green flannel shirt I'd begun wearing as liner since the weather had broken cold, smelling my filthy blue undershirt.
I had a wool overcoat stored at the self-storage cubicle I shared in Sandy Springs, and I'd go dig it out today. First I'd have to get gasoline for the car.
Before that I'd need coffee.
I wondered how much money I had left on me.
Posted by
11:23 PM
Thursday, February 26, 2004
this is how we do
Man Above sets upon his nightly rounds
just beyond the lip of the horizon,
his long red breath shuddering out to end in purple celestial among first stars,
while in the short time below he sets fire to the future,
makes the pink wind
blow again up over cold tops of black pines,
while ahead the kidnapped sun flees
leaving only old wind to crush her gold end embers
like fire gnats peeling off the cherry from a smoke,
white remnants of herself winnowing
sharp and flat into fading but still
obtaining icepack,
then it is that the grey higway becomes my diorama
and I slide back through black ice mirage
even as I go forth, a player again in the drama,
tales beckoning still as the road shall beckon,
always the black miles falling back into each other,
other miles rolling out red, dark as blood
Later in a tavern,
I take smoke in
codify my drinks,
and prepare
stay awhile
Posted by
10:58 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
another stupid song of mine that you'll never hear. you can guess the chords
Myrmidon: 1. one of a legendary Thessalian people accompanying Achilles to the Trojan War 2. a loyal retainer or attendant 3. a follower or subordinate who unquestioningly or pitilessly executes order: HIRELING
I crouch in the grass
As the crows circle high in the east
Up for sale here
I bet you can't have me
Easier to be simplehearted
If I was only simplehearted
If I was only simplehearted
be so easy
be so easy
Bet you can't have me
I'm unimpressed here
It was all to the good
It was good for a while
I had some good ideas
But I was such a great liar
Posted by
10:01 PM
this blog is all over the place
this blog is a dog on the couch where he knows he shouldn't be
this blog is facile like eggs
this blog is prone to lapses like any addict
this blog is better than TV
this blog is tempermental and lacksadaisical
this blog is written quickly while standing up and drinking a beer
Posted by
9:49 PM
Monday, February 23, 2004
lose lose
and I just want to gain
I want this fucking dog
to stop with the police bark
and I just want to gain
I am the last guy in the world to feel sorry for
and yet I just want
to gain
fucking A I didn't want to be drinking tonight
and yet I'm drinking again because
I just want to gain
and I got laid and and gave lay
last night; still I want
only to gain
I want to be better than I
am and manage
the gain
I drip in fast and loud
then disappear for days and
that's no way
to gain. I want no commentary.
Only a feeling. And that feeling
is to gain
I wish I could sit for one drink
with all of you and you all know
who you are
and though that would be no gain,
it would be some comfort,
and it would be some action,
some discreet action. I
am cool as the Parliament now and
dun as the red light
of twilight coming up over
rocks or stones of buildings. whatever
you see. But no,
I'm alone in my truck
and want
only to gain.
But there's nothing here,
no voice,
no sense, no chance
tonight. Nothing ventured,
Posted by
10:55 PM
Friday, February 20, 2004
get dumb discipline
it's been a weak week a week
of interior mumble-speak, a
leak week with a weak leak
of critique over the weak peak
of a week ago
get home in the eve and want to leave sleeve
on table but not able to weave leave
I grieve for the long eve the siege of the past
if I could last till 10 pm per diem of
bluster could I then muster a rate
of fate to eliminate this crate I'm faced with my
date with the desk. wrong desk, the cubicle
as usual and not even so bad but 10 times as bad
as what could be had if avoid 10 beers,
10 doubts, 10 fears
notes on a page
whatever, so you wasted
5 days
5 more come to play and remember
it's play
it's play
it's play
Posted by
9:05 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2004
some things change
other things never change
this is the entire basis of
the game
you can to choose what to do
perhaps even what you are
but not what makes you
what you are
the choice to work
or to not work
if you are an artist
is the brittle fence
separating the lepers
from the zombies
while here in Utopia
the choice matters
to few: not to the
dead, nor the poor, nor the ignorant, nor the rich & renowned
nor to the air
which surrounds you -
only to you. and
me. and him over there.
and her. and her too.
and that guy. and that one other guy
all you can do is work in the margins till
payday or lottery (amounts to same)
or no all you can do is work in the margins.
that's where all the interesting shit happens anyway
Posted by
11:30 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2004
I give you that
A canister or a balustrade or the text learned from ages
of being afraid I think we are closer to our native seeds than thought
friends thought once thought
I walked through some residual deja vu tonight, not for nothing. it's nothing
upon nothing to maybe move you or move me nothing moves me tonight but desire to see
my own come on the page that's head come, come
only no one can give me. and not even that. so often we reach
for sexual metaphors in absence of uh yeah but fuck it, been drinking steady tonight
like a pro and I find that, sure, resumption of smoking give a man more stamina
in matters of sack both drinking and dribbled; my girl's a good and a fine ass, leg, lip:
but I don't think she knows what I have to offer tonight. and I ain't wakin her up.
I'm going ice fishing tomorra A.M. and plunge my auger in ice
and there's no frustration here much, physical or meta-, that a Bloody Mary
two bong hits and friendship can't cure. this is how we do
here in the state of New Hampshire. And rarely advertised
thus. my guts full of Pandora I can only express rare and dread is
the thing I beat off. Fuck. Would have been better tonight to get into some
other head than mine. I got no tales of present intrigue. Don't want any.
Want to conflate. Want to tell you something you'd rather not believe
but have to. Or maybe I should just give every gory detail of every fuck
ever had and every fucked up time ever had. But no because then I'll start
wanting more. Hence this butt in this bloody hand and all of you who feel me
or who've ever felt or are so inclined toward such as one and etc.
know this: I was and am the best blues guitar player you'll never hear:
Long ago one sweet Liz lied abed it was Sat. morning and we'd just come together.
Click and Clack were on the radio. I plugged in my gray Strat
and played a few licks. She said, I love that, when you get that bad-ass look
on your face. You are a bad-ass,
aren't you? I said, I think
I might be a better guitar player than Eric Clapton.
She said,
well, let's not go
Posted by
10:47 PM
Friday, February 13, 2004
Momentarily you will learn whether this suspect is a threat to the United States. I was listening like a dumbass to CNN and got this title, Mr. Ashcroft
Red hands, red hands
blood on my knuckles
dry blood painted cross knuckles
past hand
past dry hand
best I can do
best I can do
picking at threads
one way or another
conflating my fate
(gotta win lottery)
the quiet times spent not drinking
a never cessation of boyish ways of
boyhood taking notation per
nightmare runes of self yet not
such nightmares of some
loss of depredation is
the song of a eunuch
in the tradition of the woods
of the woods
is thus: mnemonic understanding
of what wages
must be paid
mark the currency oh
and the currency is a wild
boast yeh
I mark you like a host
like a carnivore in exodus
most likely to seem yet I dream
and the dream is fervent,
heavy with past
inflection you see I carry this
mist off the highway south
and I can't remember the number
no wonder I was a white ghost
a host beneath lands of whoever
has most
and if wrist cramps up that's
when ramp up for real. I'm gonna steal
from the rapt gift and lift
from the highways the
High Way
second to none. except one:
that's me:
when I get free to flow
will know
and will she still
smell my smoke? don't know
still to write in the notebook
is the no-look
not trapped like last simply
trapped like past
yeh I'm trapped like gas
in an atmosphere
like fear
like dipshits young
like Jung in a post-Mod
and look why not?
be a Rook
on the board:
no sword just straight
at angles
like trees
like 45 degrees
I mean munchies
I got no trees
no smoke
right good
Posted by
11:18 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2004
everybody feels ambivalent about Raymond
the whiffle ball of his life began its declension thusly:
the edge of his olfactory perception
began to crumble and fester like vile asbestos from beneath walls
condemned; in short,
his sense of smell went gamy.
at a public cafeteria associated with the drab yellow box of a building
where he worked as a typist of various alphanumeric codes into various
incomprehensible computer systems, a short, grey-skinned cafeteria
doled him out a blob of mashed potato
and a stench hit him like a litter box,
like someone had dumped one on him, a full one.
he wasn't sure if it was her
or the food. he flinched, he pointed his glance
down on her, and her gums cracked open,
concupiscent and terrible, to hiss the words,
"cricket meal....bugssssssssssss...."
and the odor of that breath and of those words was the beery, pissed
upon odor of typically homeless individuals,
sick, befouled bodies sprawled upon concrete,
the odor of a man with a bleeding forehead on the ground smoking a
he picked up and lit off the ground and him down scrabbling and
reaching around
for his teeth, his busted state-issued spectacles, his dry pint of Zhenka.
and it too was the odor of the yellow, mouseshit-covered white keys of
an ancient piano in an abandoned church basement,
and also the odor of an improperly used condom slicked off hastily and
beneath a venereally infected, sexually victimized-turned victimizing
individual's grubby sneaker into a pile of char and cinders and
broken brown glass, and yeh it was the death smell of a cluster of dying
red sumac just beyond the pilings of a dead railroad by a broken brown
with a huge concrete pipe of offal emptying into it.
as she spoke the gray-skinned cafeteria lady's eyes dimmed out to black
like weak headlights fusing out on the last night of civilization as missles
start falling
and rioting convicts, freed, start burning front yards.
the other humans behind him in line at the cafeteria and seated
before thier trays of food seemed not to notice
any of this. shit, he thought, well, fuck,
May is as good a month as any for psychotic episodes.
I better get out to my car and smoke 3 filterless cigarettes.
He proceeded to the end of the line, dropped his tray in the trash
and soon enough walked out of the building.
To get to the store he had to cross four lanes of traffic.
Standing on the battered white stone median at mid-road
the exhaust fumes hit him, but the smell was the smell of the last
girl he'd worked on and took from behind in the manner of dogs. this
had occurred a while back.
too long a while back. she was from Quebec. he'd met her at party
at a friend's apartment. The friend was a white Jewish Rastafarian. He
fancied himself a percussionist but slung dope for a living. The friend
happened to live above,
I shit you not, a fish market, about 63 paces or so from the edge
of a tidal river on the North Shore of Massachusetts.
Danversport, Beverly. One of those towns. It might have been.
He wasn't sure of the name of the town. It was a lamely attended
party, at least by the time he got there. A Peter Tosh record was in the
CD player and blaring.
The RastaJew and three other young men sat apelike, passing spliffs,
congretgated around and totally consumed
by the violent colors and sounds of the dark urban rape-and-murder
fantasy emanating from a boosted X-box and a boosted Quasar 36-inch
television, all boosted from a local Wal-mart. No matter about the
plenty of employee hide to cut that shrinkage out of, and plenty more
where that came from. This was the white Jewish Rastafarian's take on it
at least. He was the most frivolous, deadly serious, utterly dangerous buffoon
our hero had ever encountered. Our hero owed him money, but only a
small amount. Our hero knew the friend kept a Glock 9mm and clips
stashed in a black nylon laptop computer tote also stolen from Wal-mart
and kept beneath a bed. Our hero also drove drunk occassionally, and
rationalized the risks thusly.
But the girl from Quebec. Our hero, by the name of Ray, ended up, as I've
mentioned, at this time in the past too long ago for his particular
self-esteem's tolerance, working on her privatalia from behind, in the
manner of dogs.
Her name was Manet. He didn't ask her about it, never even thought
about doing so. The Jewish Rastafarian informed Ray in between
mouthfuls of cold Chinese spare rib caked with that pink stuff as they
were both in the kitchenette standing by an open refrigerator that she was tripping on LSD,
mid-trip, about 4 hours in. She was drinking Seagrams
margarita-flavored wine coolers in the living room, chain smoking Camel
Wides, Unfiltered, and lying on her back on the dipiliatory dirty vanilla
shag carpet, staring at the whirling ceiling fan. She was wearing a navy
blue knit jersey with a hood and baggy black warmup pants. Her socks
had holes in them and were filthy.
What she and Ray shared was a total lack of interest in the video game
in progress, and also 3 bong hits a piece. Oh and they were some
crumbly, stankie trees up in that bitch. She found nothing he said
entertaining in the least. She called him "wigga." Her voice was hoarse
from the butts. Ray thought she sounded like the Canuck Joan Rivers.
He told her so. She responded that he seemed like the kind of person
who probably liked to be pissed on. Ray said, I'm not the one doing the
talking, you french bitch. It was a good move. She warmed to his
insults. He verbally abused her a bit more, but in a very low and as
tender a voice as he could muster. He was aware it was working. Their
conversation went on in this soft, foul, antagonistic vein for more than an
The video gaming went on and on. Drinking began. Ray swigged from a
bottle of cheap ass brandy he found in a cabinet over the RastaJew's
stove hood. He had no idea whose it was, didn't care. A couple people
left. Then after a while there was something happening in the apartment's bedroom that
Ray hadn't been included in. Manet had been though. Ray heard some
sounds. A thump, a peep, an exhalation. A groan. You can probably
guess. I don't think I have to spell this one out for you.
Ray was out of smokes. There were none around. He exited the apartment
and walked a mile and a quarter up the side of the road to the Packie. Bought a pack of
Pall Malls and a 40 of Bull Ice. Headed back down the road. Went up the stairs
past the fish market and back into RastaJew's hideout. The dudes had all
left. Manet was hitting that bong. Then after a while he was hitting her
from behind in the manner of dogs. The smell as he ground away was pretty hot and also not so
hot. She was not in fact particularly clean. It was sickening and exiting.
There was a fleck of some dun substance on the back of one of her thighs.
Nothing like this had really happened for old Ray. Few girlfriends
in college. Couple misty hookups after bars. But this was grotesque,
dramatic, really depraved. He felt so. It was the best lay of his life, hands down. He
made it through like a champ. He thought anyway. He never found out what
Manet thought. Never saw her again. Thought about her a lot after. But
I gotta get back to this narrative so you'll have to wait for what he
It can't be said that he never forgot that smell. He did. And remembered
it only now, standing on the white crumbled median with 4 lanes traffic whooshing past,
2 per side, opposite directions, on his
way to the store to
get guess what a pack a Camel Wides Unfiltered, on the day his
olfactory glands went inexplicably and indecently to game,
the day before the next day which was when shit really started to get weird
Posted by
2:22 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
look at me go
so I am writing now yeh I want to I got to
be a real writer now. and I was last night. and yow
it's going to take some time. you've pissed away enough years by
now so the feeling you want to elicit now is the way
you used to feel loitering in those artist's studios
where they let you play guitar and sing and sing you did
and drink you did and smoke you did
and this for the fear. but not too much now
or it'll hurt the work. but without it maybe
the work no gets done. so you use this as means
for a time
so last night I drank 11 of those damn Icehouse beers
yeh and 11 must be my limit because I woke up
face down on the couch and the dog was barking
at me from the kitchen. he'd scattered some plastic
grocery bags from the bag sock that hangs on a door knob
and he'd removed the tiny plastic plug from the small purple
squirt gun we keep by the sink for catfight prevention.
but he didn't chew the squirt gun and he didn't chew
any bags or anything so I got away with one. the time
was 1:38 a.m. I had long ago put the laptop away
but had already
written the poem below
the dog had to go to the bathroom like a mofo
so I took him out quickly and then realized I'd
forgotten to put on shoes but said fuck it so I walked
out in my socks. lit a butt. the dog squatted
and out came a lot. german shepherds as a breed
are notorious for their large, soft stools.
I went back in and made it into bed. overslept
till nearly 8 'cause my baby's away on a work
trip. made it in to my cubic hole by 9:30.
I am telling everything but what I came here to tell you
but now the Americans surrounding me are cackling and gamboling
away as usual causing me to reflect that it's no wonder
this country is so
fucked I mean talk about bad
administrative support
Posted by
2:20 PM